Radio 3Fourteen

With Lana

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Oy Vey, Shut It Down!

Evalion is the 18-year-old Canadian YouTube sensation who gained staggering notoriety in 2016 for her controversial red-pill videos. Her most shocking and widely viewed broadcasts include, “Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil,” “The Most Anti-Semitic Video Ever,” and “How to Identify a Feminist.” YouTube recently censored her channel.

A filmed version of this interview is available for Red Ice members.

Evalion is with us for a chat about her rabble-rousing recordings and the eruption of attention that led to the blackout of her channel. She talks about the hit piece by LeafyIsHere, “The Most Racist Girl on All of YouTube,” which seriously ruffled some SJW feathers and brought her thousands of new fans. Evalion explains how the holohoax instigated her own red-pill process, and names her most influential nationalist/alt-right figures and sources. We discuss the follies of feminism, gay fury, Jewish supremacy, fake history, national socialism in the current year, and the power of propaganda. Later, Evalion gives her views on how multiculturalism is working for Canada and on the attitudes of typical teens, along with tips for attracting fashy goys and her future plans for dispensing more red-pills to the masses.

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Lana Lokteff

Lana was born of Russian American ancestry. She is the host of Radio 3Fourteen and contributes political/social commentary in the form of articles and videos. Additionally, she offers her view on current news & entertainment in Red Ice TV's livestream show on Saturdays. Lana also owns her own organic clothing line called Lana's Llama. She is passionate about European identity politics, ancestral traditions and health. She lives with her husband in Sweden and part time in America. @LanaLokteff

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