New to Red Ice?
Looking through our archives, you’ll find that through the years, we’ve covered a variety of diverse topics gradually evolving to our main focus today which is European identity and anti-globalization. It’s a massive subject that requires one to start at square one, working your way forward. Since it can be overwhelming and too much for some diving into this in the middle, we’ve compiled some starter videos and older radio shows for the newcomer that are interested in learning more about the war on European identity and our culture.
Population replacement & anti-White propaganda
People of European descent are being targeted by globalists who want to open our borders and slowly turn us into minorities in our own countries. (Please note, all of the following videos have been either deleted for "hate speech" or put into "quarantined state" by YouTube, meaning they are unsearchable and you have to have the direct link to view them.)
The War on Whites is Real
Go Back to Europe
Why I don't Want To Become a Minority
Forced Diversity Is Not Our Strength
"Diversity" Is a Weapon Against White People
They Want You Dead White Man!
Why They Want To Replace White People
White DNA Is An "Abomination"
Why Interracial Relationships Are Pushed On White Women
What It Means To Be Pro-European
Dalai Lama Says Europe for Europeans
"Ethno-States Will Never Work"
Outlawing White Neighborhoods & Freedom of Association
Why White People Aren't Having Kids
Barbara Spectre Is Back - Population Replacement in Sweden
Top 12 Biggest Lies Told To White People
Questions Liberals Can't Answer
Conspiracy Theories Are Terrorism
Am I White?
"You Want To Mass Murder Non-Whites"
Things That Make You A Far Right Extremist
Feminist Professor: White Nuclear Families Are Racist & Supremacist
How To Become An Empowered Female
The Truth About "Trad Wives"
I Was Wrong About Interracial Relationships
I Quit. They Won.
Older Radio shows
Tim Murdock: The War on Whites
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Why Diversity is a Lie
Tim Murdock: Why Diversity is a Lie
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For decades, the field of world history has been relentless in its downgrading of the idea of Western uniqueness in pursuit of a multicultural point of view.
Ricardo Duchesne: The Uniqueness of Western Civilization
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Touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the west, we'll cover how such a mission statement is sure to be dismissed as extremism of the worst sort in today's intellectual climate.
Kevin Macdonald: The Dispossession of Europeans & Pathological Altruism
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The social sciences was hijacked by a small clique of elitist academics that initiated a war on human nature.
Frank Salter: War on Human Nature, Replacement Level Migration in the West & Crime of Diversity
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Hear about how the social sciences were radicalized in universities as a way to gain control of the culture.
Frank Salter: Radicalization of Social Sciences & Culture Wars
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Learn about the New Right & Ethnonationalism.
Greg Johnson: The New Right, The New Left & Ethnonationalism
Why the European New Right embraces paganism as the only reliable way out of the Judeo-Christian based political systems.
Tom Sunic: Metapolitics, Paganism & European Identity
Is there a metaphysical element behind the attack on Europeans?
John Lash: White Genocide & The Archontic Infection
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European Anthropology
The White Indians of the Canary Islands
Gordon Kennedy: Guanches: The White Indians of the Canary Islands
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Do people call you a Nazi for having concern for the future of Europe? Why not look into who they really were and their alleged crimes.
Holocaust Revisionism 101
Ole Dammegard: Making Critical Thinking Illegal: Questioning the Holocaust
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Probably one of the most controversial topics that we've ever covered has been about Adolf Hitler. We invited the filmmaker of "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" for a show that eventually got us banned from Apple's iTunes (later Radio 3Fourteen was also censored). So why not find out what it is that you're not allowed to know? Hear the other side of the story concerning Adolf Hitler, National Socialism & WWII. The most taboo ridden forbidden subject.
Dennis Wise: Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
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Although thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to WWII, none have mentioned the millions of innocent German civilians, including women and children who were massacred.
Tom Goodrich: Hellstorm: The Myth of the Good War
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Let a Jewish holocaust revisionist tell you the truth about Auschwitz.
David Cole: The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz
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Investigate the claims and rumors of the Treblinka “death camp.”
Eric Hunt: The Shoah: The Biggest Hoax of the 20th Century?
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Have you ever heard about the Irish holocaust and the consequent coverup? Learn more.
Chris Fogarty: The Irish Holocaust
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The truth about Indians in America
Tom Goodrich: Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains
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Political Zionism
Awakening to the Zionist agenda
Jeff Gates: How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy and Public Opinion
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Israeli born muscician and author talk about Jewish identity politics
Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Pressure Groups
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White Slavery
The untold history of the enslavement of Whites in early America
Michael Hoffman: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
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Christian slaves, Muslim masters: White slavery in the Mediterranean
Robert Davis: Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean
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Native European Spirituality
Discover Asatru, a native European spirituality.
Asatru: A Native European Spirituality
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Realize the importance of connecting with your ancestors and learn the fundamental values and virtues known as the 9 Noble Virtues and the 12 Traits.
Stephen McNallen: Ancestral Roots & Metagenetics
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Exploring the pre-Christian belief system of Asatro: Runes, Vikings & Norse Mythology with Stephen McNallen.
Are you also interested in health, geopolitics, conspiracy, archeology, secret societies or metaphysics? Be sure to comb through our extensive archives for much more.