Radio 3Fourteen

With Lana


QuantumThink & The End of the Great Divide

Dianne Collins is a graduate in Philosophy and Psychology as well as a lifelong student of Siddha Yoga and an award-winning photographic artist. Dianne is the author of Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World. The book is part science, part philosophy, part spirituality. She’ll explain a new system of thinking that has us leap from the outdated "old world view" limits of the Industrial Age to begin thinking from the more up-to-date "new world view" of our current Quantum Age. Dianne speaks about what she calls "the end of the great divide" and how the so called consciousness crowd is unaware of how they keep the divide in place. Then, we’ll discuss what makes it difficult for us to move past the limits of our world view, causing us to fall back into mechanical reactions. Dianne will also talk about the observer effect and we discuss the possibility of unobserving reality. We’ll also question aspects of co-creation and what changes the tide in a new direction. Later, we talk about individual broadcasting and being aware of what we transmit.

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Lana Lokteff

Lana was born of Russian American ancestry. She is the host of Radio 3Fourteen and contributes political/social commentary in the form of articles and videos. Additionally, she offers her view on current news & entertainment in Red Ice TV's livestream show on Saturdays. Lana also owns her own organic clothing line called Lana's Llama. She is passionate about European identity politics, ancestral traditions and health. She lives with her husband in Sweden and part time in America. @LanaLokteff

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