Radio 3Fourteen

With Lana


Semitic Supremacy & European Dysgenics

Rachael is a full-time student studying business. She created her blog, Facing My Own Reflection, almost two years ago after admining anti-Islam pages for a couple years. Her focus has been to catalogue some of her ideas, at first for the purpose of posting in internet debates. Over time the blog developed into a place for fellow red-pilled intellectuals, many of whom also run blogs and write, to share finished ideas. Rachael describes her lefty upbringing in California’s South Bay Area - a genuine manifestation of multicultural America - where Whites are a minority, gang activity is the norm, and reports of kidnapping, rape and murder are standard evening news fare. She tells how her Ashkenazi lineage merged with the very liberal mindset of the western US, and she highlights her understanding of different Jewish phenotypes and their origins, along with the varying ideological manifestations of Jewish peoples. Rachael talks about how she arrived at her anti-Islam stance, which began with a deep look into the root cause of the no-go zones cropping up all over Europe. We consider what is driving the insane and confusing politics of Israel and the Middle East by looking back to the history of Muslim interaction within this region. We delve into the deeper meaning of Zionism, the Kalergy plan for a multicultural Europe, and what the ethnically pure state of Israel stands to gain from the destabilization of the Middle East and the Islamification of the West. Then, we get into the fundamental differences between sub-Saharans and Europids, and we explore why leftists don’t oppose Islam even though it’s the antithesis of their utopian based ideology. Later, we discuss our current state of dysgenics and the decline in birth rates amongst highly intelligent Westerners. In closing, we touch on feminism, the role of alpha and beta males in high trust societies, and raising standards of living through eugenics.

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Lana Lokteff

Lana was born of Russian American ancestry. She is the host of Radio 3Fourteen and contributes political/social commentary in the form of articles and videos. Additionally, she offers her view on current news & entertainment in Red Ice TV's livestream show on Saturdays. Lana also owns her own organic clothing line called Lana's Llama. She is passionate about European identity politics, ancestral traditions and health. She lives with her husband in Sweden and part time in America. @LanaLokteff

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