Radio 3Fourteen

With Lana

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The Artistic Process & The Spirit of the Times

Elaine Ni'Cuana is an Irish born artist, illustrator and researcher of ancient folklore, megaliths and mythology. She goes under the brush name Sgraffio the Eldritch. Her artwork is often described as beautifully dark and enchanting. In this interview, she talks about the sacred element in the artistic process of creating and where inspiration comes from. Is it possible to be absolutely original? We talk about the power of art and music to transform reality and assist us in our evolution. Elaine also discusses how symbols can be a powerful tool used to communicate with the viewer. She makes the connections between music, art and mythology. We'll explore some Irish legends and folklore. Then, we wander off into topics about the control system, individual sovereignty and the spirit of the times.

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Lana Lokteff

Lana was born of Russian American ancestry. She is the host of Radio 3Fourteen and contributes political/social commentary in the form of articles and videos. Additionally, she offers her view on current news & entertainment in Red Ice TV's livestream show on Saturdays. Lana also owns her own organic clothing line called Lana's Llama. She is passionate about European identity politics, ancestral traditions and health. She lives with her husband in Sweden and part time in America. @LanaLokteff

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