Fractal Geometry, The Golden Mean, The Star-Gate & Astral Parasites
Dan Winter writes and lectures on the physics of meditation, the physics of kundalini, sacred geometry and the electrical nature of consciousness. Using the pure charge symmetry language of physics, he argues that western scientists are fools and leading the race to death because they do not have the barest clue to the electrical nature of life or the electrical function of DNA. First the first hour of this program, Dan talks about sacred geometry, fractality, gravity, physics and the science of alchemy. Topics Discussed: Ben Bentoff, Arthur Young, Andrija Puharich, life force, bio feedback, plasma universe, electrical universe, aura, IBM, the unified field, Nassim Haramein, Paul Laviolette, the GDV device, exclusiveness, inclusiveness, focused human attention, bioactive electric field, perfect coherence, water purification, bird’s song & sonic bloom, heart tuner, DNA, lucid dreaming, Tibetan Book of the Dead, the science of bliss, memory though death, genetic engineering, genetic diversity, seeds, Monsanto, Annunaki, Alpha Draconis and much more. In our members section, Dan begins talking about architecture, building materials and straw bale houses. Then, he speaks about electro smog, Wi-Fi and cell phone signals, clothing and certain jewelry. Later, he talks about the sun as a true star-gate and the hollow nature of the moon, the idea that it is an artificial object towed to its location by another advanced civilization. We'll also discuss brainwaves, some of the experiments at the Monroe Institute, astral parasites, ectoplasm and more. More Topics Discussed: magnetic mapping, biological materials, pinecone shaped mountain, Solar Heart Community, eye of the sun, heart of the sun, star-gate, Jerusalem, DNA, living material, Gurdjieff, hollow moon, titanium, backside of the moon, Hex and Pent, telepathy, Buckminster Fuller, experiments at the Monroe Institute, Ed Wilson, Drunvalo Melchizedek, astral hygiene, 32 degrees, the head of the Sphinx, pure intention, incubus & succubus, electromagnetic smog, spread spectrum technology, volt, 50 hertz, transformers, Faraday cage, kinesiology, watches and much more.Relevant Links
Full Spectral Dominance (Part One)