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Lana's Llama: Non Toxic Clothing & The

Lana is the founder of Lana’s Llama, a US based, 100% natural fiber clothing line that provides an alternative to other brands that use endocrine disrupting, cancer causing and highly carcinogenic agents in their clothing. Lana is most well known as the voice behind Radio 3Fourteen and a regular contributor at Red Ice Creations.

In the first segment, Lana describes her inspiration for creating Lana’s Llama, which stemmed from being highly sensitive to chemicals and the desire to find clothes made from natural fibers without carcinogenic chemicals added to the dyes and finishing processes. She explains the highly toxic ingredients in synthetic fibers, along with the dangerous side effects these petrochemicals can cause, including hormonal disruption, fertility issues, high blood pressure, gender-bending fetal development, and more. Lana outlines the standards and guiding principles for organic fabric production, and she talks about the ideological differences between cheap, high-volume Chinese manufacturing and the more expensive, low-impact production of slow fashion. Further, we discuss buzzwords like sustainability, fair trade and eco-friendly, and the misleading use of the term “green” that conceals the truth behind chemical laden products.

In the members’ hour, Lana talks about some of the obstacles she encountered along the way to finding European operated garment manufacturing facilities in the US. Lana highlights the German origins of environmentalism, and we look at how international capitalists hide behind phony hippy left wing signaling that fundamentally rejects connections between nature and human origins. Then, we focus on the toxic sludge we are exposed to every day that is resulting in the poisoning and dumbing down of humanity. Lana offers natural alternatives to common chemically laced personal care products, and she details some of her favorite natural remedies for issues ranging from depression to skin irritation, adrenal fatigue, tooth decay, candida and much more. Our discussion ends with a call to action for merchants and entrepreneurs to aid in the preservation of the lands and commons our ancestors scrupulously built for us.

Relevant Links
What Are Synthetic Fibers? (Video)
What Are Natural Fibers? (Video)
Welcome to Lana's Llama! (Video)
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Henrik Palmgren

Henrik Palmgren was born in Götaland, Sweden, the land of the Goths. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Red Ice, founded in 2003. Henrik is most known as the host of Red Ice Radio and produces all the video content on Red Ice, including most of the music, graphics and animations. He also offers his commentary on current events in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. Henrik is most concerned with European heritage, culture and counter acting the global internationalists. @Henrik_Palmgren


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