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14-year old orphaned White girl to be booted from UK, but Syrian men welcome?
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14-year old orphaned White girl to be booted from UK, but Syrian men welcome?


While the UK government can find plenty of room for fully-grown Syrian men, a young, orphaned, White Ukrainian girl is the kind of immigrant they don’t want.

Iryna Mynich, 14, was adopted by an English couple from Cornwall. Terence and Heather Voysey used money from their live savings to bring her back to Britain, after her mother was murdered in Ukraine.

Despite her situation, Iryna could only get a six month child visitor visa, which has now expired.

The government has now started proceedings to deport her from Britain. The couple have launched an appeal to this decision, and are currently awaiting a response.

Meanwhile in Britain, the government aims to bring in 20,000 Syrians, a great deal of whom are men in the peak of their lives.

Back in 2013, Former Home Secretary Jack Straw, said that Eastern European mass immigration into Britain was a “spectacular mistake“, because allowing “large numbers of people from abroad settle in a particular area” caused “social dislocation“.

He is right – it does, but notice how he only said it about White Eastern Europeans, and ignored the millions of Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Indians who have also poured into the UK and done the exact same thing?

White Eastern Europeans have been brought into Britain as cheap workers, while non-White immigrants have been brought in specifically to “diversify” the country.

A White Eastern Europe is as much an enemy to anti-Whites as is a White Britain. Their campaign of “diversity” and mass immigration constitutes a campaign of White genocide.

Only White areas “need diversity”, and only White countries “must have” open borders.

Their policies are deliberately leading to our demise, and they are perfectly aware of this fact.

Diversity” is their code for White genocide.



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