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A New Species of Humanity
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A New Species of Humanity


If we are going to succeed in becoming free from the influence of Kali-yuga and use the Golden Age within the first 10,000 years of Kali-yuga in the best way possible, then we must cooperate in allowing for a new species of humanity to enter this world. This new species will not be based on physical changes but on the development of spiritual consciousness, and the goal of working toward the perfection of human life--materially and spiritually. This new species of humanity and spiritual warriors are those who are not afraid to investigate higher dimensions of reality, new areas of spiritual experiences that are beyond the limitations of conventional and fear-based religions [those that urge the obedience to their principles based on the wrath of God]. After such investigations, they will help make such higher spiritual knowledge and experience available for the welfare of others. This is happening now and growing all the time. However, this has always been the Vedic process for thousands of years.

So in some ways, the new species mentioned herein is but a reawakening of the spiritual consciousness that was prominent in the early ages such as Satya-yuga, or found in the enlightened sages of today. Yet, this consciousness, when compared with the general materialistic views and motivations found in most people today, is like a new species of humanity. It is the rare type of person who is genuinely concerned about the physical, emotional and spiritual well being of all living entities, and who also has the higher consciousness to perceive how to do that. Everyone who is concerned about themselves and the welfare of the planet should be eager to be a part of this new species of humanity, this higher consciousness, and help in this process of spiritual change and improvement. For any real solutions to our problems or social issues must be based on a spiritual foundation.

Any plan-making endeavors for solutions without a spiritual foundation will simply go through the six basic changes that all material elements go through, which is birth, growth, maintenance, producing some by-products or reactions, dwindling, and then vanishing, only to be replaced by something else. Humanity needs more than this sort of guesswork or speculative resolutions that come and go. It needs a change of consciousness based on spiritual understanding and perception. This means that the light workers and spiritual warriors on this planet must work to bring in and spread as much light and spiritual knowledge as possible.

Another thing that this new species of humanity will want is genuine knowledge of the spiritual strata. Therefore, true spiritual knowledge must be made available without misinterpretations or the contamination of those who have ulterior motives. Ignorance is the cause of all the anomalies of human society that King Yudhisthira could perceive at the onset of the age of Kali, as described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The way to overcome such ignorance and the problems that accompany it is to inject pure spiritual sound vibrations into the atmosphere. This will counter all forms of pollution in this world, beginning with the pollution in our consciousness, thoughts, and desires, for this is indeed the starting point of all pollution. This pure sound vibration is in the form of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and the recitation of theSrimad-Bhagavatam. Therefore, anyone who wants to become a part of the new species of humanity or the new breed of spiritual warriors to help bring about a new revolution in society and in spiritual consciousness should participate in this process.

One fact that we need to recognize is that the world has enough of everything. There is no scarcity of food or material resources. It is wrong to think that there is scarcity due to overpopulation on this planet. Mundane economists put forward this theory. There is, however, a great burden in the lack of cooperation in the management of the planet’s resources caused by a lack of spiritual awareness among the world’s leaders. Even if there may be a shortage of food in one area of the world, there is plenty of food in other areas. Nevertheless, because of a lack of cooperation, one country or another suffers starvation because of the artificial system of economics, as previously described, that sets the stage for competition, envy, and a lack of efficiency and unity between countries and communities. The only real solution is to bring in this new human species, the new breed of spiritual warriors, who can pave the way for a revolution in spiritual consciousness. People must recognize the spiritual nature of each other and of all beings in this world if there is to be a true change in the way we relate or cooperate with each other.

With the right consciousness we can, indeed, make proper use of things to live comfortably without enmity between each other and nature. And if a new species of such like-minded people act together in this way, it will have extremely powerful effects on this planet. If, however, humankind insists on seeing each other on the basis of bodily and cultural differences, then their vision is no better than that of the cats and dogs who are always howling, barking, chasing, and fighting with one another. There is no excuse for humankind to remain on such a base level when they have the higher mental and intellectual facilities that they do. They must rise above the animalistic platform by their spiritual progress. Only through this means will humankind reach a level of evolutionary development in which they can begin to see beyond bodily and cultural distinctions and work together in spiritual harmony with themselves, nature, and the Supreme Will. In this way, this age of Kali will lose its dark influence. It can become like the Golden Age of Satya-yuga. There is no better nor a more needed time for this to happen than right now. Let us not forget that the influence of Kali-yuga can be inflicted only upon those who are not developed enough in spiritual awareness.

It is obvious to many that the forces of darkness are getting stronger as the years go by, as the Age of Kali advances. Moral standards decrease while crime increases. Similarly, the forces of light are also getting stronger, and new levels of spiritual knowledge are coming into this earthly plane, the likes of which we have not understood for thousands of years. The characteristics between the forces of light and darkness are also becoming more distinct. Therefore, the people of this earth will participate in this polarization and will be required to decide with which force they will participate: The spiritual and progressive level, or the descending and materialistic one.

As this polarization increases, the future of the world becomes twofold: One aspect will be the obvious physical and geographic changes. The other will be the more spiritual changes. The physical, social, and geographic changes will not be viewed or experienced as so drastic by those who flow into the higher dimension, while the planet earth will display a hard and difficult life for those who remain absorbed in the lower materialistic and fearful level of consciousness. The earth will accommodate both levels of dimension, but the views of existence on earth will be very different from each level.

There will, indeed, be a higher and progressive energy shift, as predicted by the Vedic scripture, and it is already in progress. In this cycle, the planetary changes, whether they seem good or severe, will be a cleansing process to help bring in the needed progress and new species of humanity, at least while the Golden Age within Kali-yuga continues, which is predicted to last another 10,000 years.

What this means is that we are at a decisive point. There will be a transformed world. It will be attained by force through an apocalypse, or through cooperation by a planetary awakening. Whether the whole population awakens is not necessary. Only a certain percentage need be enlightened in this way because the power of light will far exceed and overpower the force of darkness or materialism, at least enough to keep the positive changes available for those who wish to participate in them. Naturally, not everyone will be interested.

This polarization during this age of Kali means that people will vibrate on different levels. As the consciousness of those who are spiritually inclined develops, they will become increasingly open to extraordinary experiences. They will become more in tuned with levels of higher realms, and beings who exist in those realms. Communications between us and those of higher dimensions will also increase. After all, higher consciousness means you vibrate and perceive that which is on higher levels of existence. The more spiritual you become, the more you can perceive that which is spiritual.

As genuine religionists, devotees, and sages become successful in the process of spiritual development and begin to disappear from the face of the earth, or disengage themselves from materialistic society, or rise above the earthly plane before the Golden Age in Kali-yuga comes to an end, they will reach higher dimensions that will be imperceptible to those on the lower levels. The vibratory levels of their thinking and consciousness will bring them to higher dimensions of existence. Thus, they will separate themselves from the rest of society, and the severe changes in Kali-yuga may not be so applicable to them. They will have risen above it, even if remaining physically in this earthly existence.

An example of this is Srila Vyasadeva. The Vedic texts state that Srila Vyasadeva, the compiler of the Vedic literature, still lives at Badarikashrama in the Himalayas, although no one can see him. And there are descriptions of other sages and masters who have been living in the region of the Himalaya mountains who are hundreds of years old. Yet how can Vyasadeva live there without being seen for so many thousands of years? This is possible because he lives in a higher dimension of energy which makes him imperceptible to our eyes. We may be standing right next to him and not see him. Also, because he is living on a subtler platform, he does not have the same physical needs nor will he age as we do.

This is why the Puranas describe various siddhas, perfected living beings, who will be waiting for the end of Kali-yuga to reveal themselves and help begin the new age of Satya-yuga. During the Golden Age in Kali-yuga, the whole world can enter a higher vibratory level and rise into a higher level of consciousness. Remember, consciousness is not merely a state of mind but also a vibrational level. The higher the consciousness, the higher the vibratory level of energy in which that person perceives, understands, lives, and sends out to others. This is the opportunity that this Golden Age in Kali-yuga provides for us, to whatever degree we develop it.

Adjusting the level of our consciousness is also the way we can change the course of our future. In spite of the predictions that are provided, or the prophecies we find in various texts, we can reduce the severity of them. We can decide for ourselves what level of consciousness we want to develop and in which we want to exist. The higher the social consciousness is, the less severe the changes will be in society and throughout the planet, and the more harmonious things will be globally. In other words, there would be less need of the severe earth changes for the cleansing of the planet. Remember, the world only reflects the consciousness of the inhabitants. When the inhabitants work in harmony with nature, what is the need for nature to cause repercussions to our actions? When nature and people are balanced, the world will give what we need. Thus, we can create a very bright and positive future for ourselves and this planet simply by elevating our consciousness.

It may be difficult for some to understand, but pure souls or devotees with cleansed or pure consciousness can directly perceive themselves as spiritual beings in a human body while also perceiving the spiritual identity of others. They can recognize how the spiritual world or its energy pervades this material strata, though it is imperceptible to most. When they are in this consciousness, they can see the planet as an island, a space ship you might say, and our bodies as suitable vehicles for existing on this particular planet. Such persons can also lift their consciousness to detach from the body or bodily state of mind and enter various levels of the spiritual dimension, though their body is still acting and perceived on the material plane. In other words, the body may still be here, but the consciousness and vision of the pure soul has entered another dimension and is perceiving things from that spiritual level, yet he or she is still interacting within this material realm. One minute they may be participating in the drama of life on this planet. The next minute they can see themselves as merely wearing the material body like a temporary costume, aloof from their activities on this plane of existence and absorbed in knowing that they are spiritual beings, part of the spiritual dimension.

In this consciousness, they know that wherever they go they are already home because the spiritual dimension pervades everything. The spiritual dimension is eternal and unlimited while the material dimension is temporary and finite. So they go through life in this world like a tourist traveling in a foreign country: They observe, even participate in activities, but they remain detached and aloof at the same time. The point is that during the Golden Age within Kali-yuga, such pure souls and devotees will live among the general populace of this earth. Though they may not be known or appreciated by many, those who can search them out can take advantage of such persons by learning from them. They can learn the process of changing their own consciousness for the most positive developments and, thus, be directed to the goal of life and return to the spiritual dimension. However, we need to remember that after this Golden Age in Kali-yuga is finished, all such spiritual persons, even knowledge of such people, along with all information of the Supreme and the genuine, fruitful spiritual process, will fade away and disappear from the face of the earth. Then the darkest portion of Kali-yuga will proceed. Therefore let us take advantage of the opportunities that we presently have to raise our consciousness and become a part of the spiritual changes, a new species of humanity, that can manifest in this age while we still have the time to do so. And let us plan the arrangements to share this potential with all others. This can indeed decelerate the progress of the oncoming dark influences of this age of Kali-yuga.

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