Agenda 21 For Even Bigger Dummies
"A movement of vital proportion, ignored by the major media, kept off-limits from the general public, has been on the United Nations (UN) drawing board for well over ten years. This movement would nullify our Constitutional structure with its freedoms and prerogatives enshrined in the Bill of Rights, including our unhampered right to religious freedom. It masquerades behind the facade of "sustainable development.""Video from:
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Red Ice Radio guests discuss Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and the "Green" economy:
Eric Karlstrom - Hour 1 - Behind The Green Curtain
Eric Karlstrom - Hour 2 - Behind The Green Curtain
Tim Ball - Climategate & The Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud
Brent Jessop - Club of Rome, Climate, UNESCO & Eugenics
Joan Veon - G20, Global Credit Crisis & Public-private Partnership