Alternative History Author Robert Bauval to Launch Legal Action Against Egyptologist Zahi Hawass

Get the popcorn, things are about to get interesting. Robert Bauval, who has locked horns with Egyptologist Zahi Hawass regularly over the past two decades since he proposed the ’Orion Correlation Theory’ explanation of the Giza pyramid layout, has just posted the following statement to his Facebook account:
I have instructed my lawyers to collaborate with a legal cabinet in Egypt to prepare a libel and defamation case against Zahi Hawass. The direct and open accusation Mr. Hawass has made against me are:
(1) That I collaborated and paid the two german amateur archaeologists to steal the cartouche of the pharaoh Khufu inside a relief chamber of the Great Pyramid.
(2) That I wrote a book/s claiming that the "Jews" built the Pyramids of Egypt.
(3) That myself and my family are of the Jewish Faith. (I am a Christian Catholic).
These accusations are totally and utterly false. Accusations (1) and (2) are exptremely damaging to my person and my work. All three accusation also put me in grave danger in Egypt which has been gripped by dangerous Islamists who are anti-Semitic/Jewish. [...]
Read the full article at:
Top image from DailyGrail: Left to right: John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Zahi Hawass, Graham Hancock.
Tune into Red Ice Radio:
Robert Bauval - Tutankhamun’s DNA, Zahi Hawass’ Chasing Mummies, The Enlightenment & Scottish Rite Freemasonry
Andrew Collins - Beneath The Pyramids, Giza Cave System Rediscovered, Egypt’s Underworld
Robert Bauval - Post-Revolution Egypt
Christopher Dunn - The Hidden Chamber Behind Gantenbrink’s Door & The Giza Power Plant
Carmen Boulter - The Pyramid Code, Band of Peace, The Migration of the Nile & Cosmic Cycles
Robert Bauval - Black Genesis, The Ancient People of Nabta Playa & Mars Anomalies