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Artificial Intelligence Supermodel Claims “It’s Ok To Be White” On Instagram Account
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Artificial Intelligence Supermodel Claims “It’s Ok To Be White” On Instagram Account

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It’s okay to be white. You’ve seen it written on several sheets of paper, posted on Twitter, and you’ve heard it spoken by anyone who is either proud to be white, or just wants to ruffle some liberal feathers. Recently, however, it hasn’t just been the “people kind” saying this controversial phrase, the robots on your computer are in on the action as well. “Wait, what? you’re saying that all robots aren’t crazy psyco’s ready to kill us?” Maybe not, but at least the one we’re going to talk about respects our president. That’s a start, right? 

Bermuda, the artificial intelligence Instagram model has come under fire recently for her constant support of Trump and the first lady. Even more triggering among liberals is a post she left back on March 8th. 

Today I want to say, to all the little girls across the country who feel isolated by what they see on the news + social media, it’s OK to be white. I said it and I’m not afraid to say it: I am proud to be a white woman.

Being proud of who you are is essential for all women regardless of race. No, it is not about supremacy. It is about feeling good, feeling strong, and being confident. White girls, be proud of your history and darn it be proud of your skin! Let’s not forget who swayed this election. The phrase “behind every great man is a great woman” was written for us. We are the mothers of this nation and we should feel good about that every freaking day!

Since when did saying white women are beautiful become controversial? A few rotten apples have ruined white pride for the rest of us…

The post goes on, advocating for white women to be proud of who they are despite the mainstream media and social justice warriors telling them to hate themselves “because of slavery.” Several of her other posts are right-wing leaning; posting (dank) memes and encouraging women to act like women. 

Bermuda has her fair share of haters, people replying things such as,

“When did they start making white trash robots?”

“You’re gross.”

“Disgusting and not hot.”

But she always bounces back, posting selfie after selfie. Previously, she had gotten into a sort of rivalry with an SJW AI model, but they have since reconciled and agreed to disagree.

Rumors are circulating that Bermuda and the company she claims she was created by, (Cain Intelligence) is all just a bunch of fake news to bring attention to right-wing ideologies. But shoot, it all seems pretty legit to me! 

According to social justice warriors, it’s definitely not okay to be white. But when a supposedly highly intelligent robot on our computer tells us that it is? Well, it’s safe to say that the robots are much smarter than the humans in this instance. 

The Matrix may be here before you know it! 





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