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Boston Bombing Trial: Tsarnaev pleads not guilty
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Boston Bombing Trial: Tsarnaev pleads not guilty

Red Ice Creations: It would seem that the mainstream media on all fronts is presenting this case as a ’done deal’, even though Tsarnaev just pleaded not guilty in court to 30 charges.
It’s in the details that the media paints a demonizing narrative of the accused. They report he "showed no fear or any of sign of remorse", suggesting he should wail and pull his hair because apparently he’s GUILTY already. That he shows ’no remorse’ must mean he’s a monster, and doesn’t demonstrate in any way he’s been advised by his lawyers to remain calm.

Further, as is typical, no cameras are allowed in the proceedings, but the released court sketches seem to show him smirking, thus further cementing the image of a remorseless murderer to the world. A court sketch is simply one artist’s interpretation, and can in no way replace a photograph (although even those can be taken completely out of context)!

The Boston Herald reports "he recited ’not guilty’ seven times in a thick accent", to ensure it’s remembered that he’s ’foreign’, and not at all like ’us’, no matter that he’d been raised in the United States, is a citizen, and there is a video from previous to the incident showing Dzhokhar and a family member speaking together in fairly unaccented American english. VIDEO
Could it be that his supposed ’thick foreign accent’ is due to his throat being shot out by the police? An event that occured during what’s still reported as a ’gun fight’,even when Dzhokhar was unarmed.

Will Dzhokhar Tsarnaev be able to receive a fair trial, when it’s clear both he and his brother were found ’guilty’ in the court of public opinion from the moment the FBI displayed their photos on television? The ensuing televised manhunt, which forced Bostonians into their homes and darkened the streets with fear, also did much to eliminate any kind of impartiality.

It may be that the Tsarnaev’s are guilty of some or all of the Boston Bombing events and the strange incidents that followed. But it seems Dzhokhar is to be publicly punished whether guilty or not, barring some sort of miracle wherein actual truth or facts are presented in court.


Boston Marathon bombing trial: Tsarnaev pleads not guilty to 30 charges
By Paul Lewis | The Guardian

Bombing suspect appears before federal court in Boston dressed in orange jumpsuit and says he is not guilty on all counts

The suspect accused of the Boston Marathon bombing pleaded not guilty to 30 counts on Wednesday, including use of a weapon of mass destruction to kill, a charge that could result in the death penalty.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, repeatedly told a packed federal court in Boston he was "not guilty" of all counts on which he is charged.

It was his first public appearance since he was found hiding in boat in a Boston suburb, following a confrontation with police that resulted in the death of his brother and alleged co-conspirator Tamerlan.

Three people were killed and more than 260 injured when improvised bombs made from pressure-cookers were detonated in the final stretch of the marathon race on April 15.

Federal prosecutors allege that the brothers, originally from Chechnya but living in the US, constructed, planted and detonated the two bombs and later shot dead a police officer.

Prosecutors are considering whether Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should face the death penalty if found guilty.

He appeared in court dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit, with unruly hair and his left arm in a cast. When each of the 30 charges was read out, he leaned into the microphone and said "not guilty" in a Russian accent.

During proceedings, the 19-year-old reportedly looked nonchalant, even bored. He glanced around the courtroom, occasionally looking back at survivors of the attack and victims’ families in the gallery. His two sisters were also in court. As he was led out of the courtroom, Tsarnaev blew a kiss to them.


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