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Breathtaking ‘sardine run’ caught on camera
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Breathtaking ‘sardine run’ caught on camera

In what looks strangely reminiscent of a twister touching down, this giant shoal of sardines has been captured by divers exploring a reef in the Philippines.

The magnificent twist, known as a ’sardine run’, sees the fish swim in formation to create a shimmering wall in as part of their annual migration. The sardine run can see shoals up to 4.3 miles long, 0.9 miles wide and 30 meters deep.

The natural phenomenon occurs in the region from May through to July when billions of sardines spawn in the cool waters off the coast of southern Africa and move north along the east coast and into the Indian Ocean. This shoal, captured by photographer Nadya Kulagina, was spotted near Pescador Island.


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