Castro’s Cuba is a testing ground for the New World Order

Castro escapee: ‘Castro’s Cuba is a testing ground for the New World Order’
By Shepard Ambellas | Intellihub
U.S. citizen, author, researcher and historian Servando Gonzalez, escapee from the former Prime Minister Fidel Castro’s communist Cuba, has been in America more than 30-years and has many stories to tell. In one of them, he stated, “Castro’s Cuba is a testing ground for the New World Order”.
Shockingly, in an exclusive interview with Intellihub News, Gonzalez broke down how Castro’s Cuba was following the “Fabian socialist” technique of incremental invasion which is similar to the U.S. policy of modern times, signifying that Castro’s Cuba was indeed likely used in a beta test for diabolic global conglomerates.
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The Fourth Floor: US Government Brought Fidel Castro to Power
By Brent Parrish | New Zeal

Marxist-Leninists-in-Arms: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
This is a fascinatingly disturbing interview I watched a while back of Dr. Stanley Monteith speaking with Earl E.T. Smith, Ambassador to Cuba (1957-59), regarding the rise of Fidel Castro and U.S. involvement. Earl Smith describes a group of individuals on “the fourth floor” of the U.S. State Department who seemed to be actively engaged in facilitating Castro’s success in Cuba.
Since the declassification of the Venona decrypts (Google: VENONA) in 1995, a lot of information has come about about the incredibly disturbing level of infiltration of our government by Soviet operatives and their fellow travelers, particularly the State Department. As a matter of course, the Council on Foreign Relations’ publication Foreign Affairs (considered the “bible of the State Department”) typically will let you know what the State Department will be doing tomorrow.
In my research over the past couple of years, the State Department consistently comes up as an institution that has been thoroughly compromised by nefarious forces that appear to work actively in supporting policies that favor a globalist, collectivist agenda. The State Department regularly displays an eager willingness to cede sovereign authority over to the United Nations, in my oh-so humble opinion.
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Cuba’s President Fidel Castro decorates the Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Prince Fra’ Andrew Bertie, with the order of Jose Marti in Havana in a November 16, 1998 file photo. Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, a group which started as a Christian chivalric and military order more than 900 years ago, has died. The order said on Friday that Bertie, 78, an Englishman who was elected Grand Master in 1988, died in a hospital on February 7, 2008 in Rome, where the order has been based since 1834.
Officially, Cuba has been an atheist state for most of the Castro era.
In 1962, the government of Fidel Castro seized and shut down more than 400 Catholic schools, charging that they spread dangerous beliefs among the people.
In 1991, however, the Communist Party lifted its prohibition against religious believers seeking membership, and a year later the constitution was amended to characterize the state as secular instead of atheist.
In November 1996, Fidel Castro travelled to Rome where he was received by Pope John Paul II. As a result of this meeting, a Papal visit to Cuba was scheduled for 1998, which took place from January 21 to 25th of that year.
While the Cuban constitution recognizes the right of citizens to freedom of religion, the government de facto restricts that freedom. Twenty-two denominations are members of the Cuban Council of Churches (CCC). Most CCC members are officially recognized by the State. Source
Fidel Castro says U.S. fooled world over 9/11
From: Aftermath News
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover was a high-level Shrine Freemason. Cartha “Deke” DeLoach (considered by some to be the real FBI director) was the 3rd-in-command of the FBI at the time of the Kennedy assassination and was a Knight of Malta. FBI Director Louis Freeh was a member of Opus Dei which is subservient to the Knights of Malta. It just goes on and on….
CIA Directors William Donovan (OSS), John McCone, William Casey, George H.W. Bush and George Tenant among others have all been Knights of Malta, such that it seems membership is a prerequisite to attaining high positions in the intelligence services.
Keep in mind that it is called the “Sovereign MILITARY Order of Malta” (SMOM). It is the MILITARY wing of the Vatican and runs military operations against its enemies, such as the free and sovereign people of the United States.
The CIA can go out and kill anyone it so chooses, including a sitting president of the United States such as John F. Kennedy who wanted to smash the Mafia, dismantle the CIA and stop our involvement in Viet Nam (google “E. Howard Hunt JFK confessions”). Why do you think the most powerful intelligence agency on planet Earth allowed itself to look like bumbling idiots who could not successfully assassinate or depose a supposedly two-bit dictator in a third-world country such as Cuba where he has ruled with an iron fist for over 40 years?
Controlled Opposition Fidel Castro was trained in Jesuit schools for seven years, put in power by the Jesuit’s Knights of Malta-controlled Skull and Bones CIA, and advised by a Jesuit, Fr. Armando Llorente during the revolution. Today, Castro continues to be subservient to 78th Grandmaster and Prince of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie, cousin of Queen Elizabeth.
The CIA is controlled by the Knights of Malta. Castro and his dictator protege’ Chavez are both controlled by the Jesuit Knights of Malta. Are you getting the picture?
Hence, like Hitler, Stalin and Osama bin Ladin, Castro is just another controlled-opposition assett of the Vatican whose mission, should they decide to accept it (and they have) is to destroy the United States of America by orchestrating massive global opposition to the US from both within and from the world at large.
Castro will never say who exactly was behind 9/11 (because he is a cowardly puppet), but he will point the finger at America itself in order to help bring it down. Consider carefully these things when you think about the 9/11 military psychological operation and the true purpose behind it.
Reuters | Sep 11, 2007
HAVANA (Reuters) – Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro said the U.S. government misinformed Americans and the world about 9/11, echoing conspiracy theories about the terror attacks against the United States six years ago.
In an essay read by a Cuban television presenter on Tuesday night, Castro said the Pentagon was hit by a rocket, not a plane, because no traces were found of its passengers.
“Today one knows there was deliberate misinformation,” wrote Castro, who has not appeared in public since July of 2006 when life-threatening surgery for a secret illness forced him to hand over power to his brother Raul Castro.
“Studying the impact of planes, similar to those that hit the Twin Towers, that had accidentally fallen on densely populated cities, one concludes that it was not a plane that crashed into the Pentagon,” Castro said.
“Only a projectile could have caused the geometrically round hole that allegedly was made by the plane,” he said.
“We were fooled like the rest of the planet’s inhabitants,” he wrote.
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