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DHS Official: Donald Trump Wants DACA Illegals to Get Amnesty
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DHS Official: Donald Trump Wants DACA Illegals to Get Amnesty

1 Source:

President Donald Trump thinks it makes sense to sign an amnesty for young illegal immigrants and to let them become citizens, an official from the Department of Homeland Security told Senators on Tuesday.

“Under a rational bill, these [DACA] individuals would be able to become lawful permanent residents with a pathway to citizenship,” Michael Dougherty, the assistant secretary for border, immigration and trade policy, told GOP Sen. John Kennedy during a Tuesday hearing of the Senate judiciary committee.

The statement reflected Trump’s turnabout since his election campaign when he promised to send all illegals homewards, including the 800,000 younger illegals who got work permits via former President Barack Obama’s 2012 “DACA” amnesty. 

However, Dougherty declined to provide Kennedy with any guidance about what security measures, border-wall improvements or immigration reforms must be packaged to create an “rational” amnesty for the younger illegals, whose numbers include roughly 3.3 million of the approximately 12 million illegals residing in the United States. 

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