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Didn't the White House Press Secretary Say the Gulf Oil Spill was Leaked on Purpose?
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Didn't the White House Press Secretary Say the Gulf Oil Spill was Leaked on Purpose?

By Henrik Palmgren |

I came across this video the other day that showed a White House spokes person saying that the oil in the Gulf was "leaked on purpose" and that "the well had been purposefully set off". The entire clip is interesting, but I'm particularly interested in the first 40 seconds or so.

Who is this White House guy? Did he really say that it leaked on purpose? Did he or anyone else know in advance about the Gulf oil spill? Many questions, so I did some quick digging around.

I found out that it's the White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs making the "leaked on purpose" comment while (intentional or not) miss-quoting the Ex Fema Director Michael Brown. In the process of Robert Gibbs doing so he creates confusion by taking statements out of context, fueling and even spurring on "conspiracy think" about this issue. Why?

Who ever is behind the video have also edited it in such a way that you think these words are being said by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs himself, when he actually is miss-quoting Michael Brown. Maybe the person behind the video is not bright enough to understand the context?

Watch the below video clips and just see where this whole things starts and how the words go back and forth about who said what. It's a complete mess! The question is if THAT might be the purpose? Keep people confused and miss-informed so they won't know what the hell is going on with the oil spill or who is behind it.

You could spend days, weeks, months and at the end years searching and unraveling what is being said by whom. I come out there other end think "what a waste of time." Even giving these bozos a few hours of my time kind of pisses me off!

With that being said, I think that the ex-Fema Director Michael Brown is making some interesting points in the video's below and shockingly Fox News (in this ONE case) are acctually fairly even keeled compared to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

The clever FOX (666) news channel is a great outlet for government and corporate spin though. Let's not exclude CNN or the other spinner networks either. They are there to keep you busy, angry, upset, confused and wondering what the hell is going on, while you might feel that on some level you've been given some answers.

Look at the clips below, but before you do know that this brief article is not about refuting a possible conspiracy to intentionally let the oil rig explosion and consequent oil spill in the Gulf happen, quite the contrary, know that there's evidence suggesting that the Deepwater Horizon's top managers knew of problems with the rig before it exploded and that Deregulation coupled with lax government oversight (lackies appointed by Dick Cheney at the helm) lead to the omission of key safety features and protocols, a free pass for drilling licenses, emphasis on profit over safety, and absolutely NO PLAN for containment of blowouts.

Michael Brown: Obama Wanted The Oil Spill To Happen


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