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Domestic "Internet of Things" Begins to Merge With The Industrial Smart Grid
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Domestic "Internet of Things" Begins to Merge With The Industrial Smart Grid

Only one year after David Petraeus referred to the publicly emerging technological structure of Web-connected appliances and in-home devices as the “Internet of things” (IOT), applications are now merging with the smart grid. It is a dream come true for the intelligence community looking for opportunities to spy on the average American in their homes, while globalists simultaneously advance an eco-fascist Agenda 21-based energy control system throughout the world.

This is being accomplished by the fact that the new IOT expansion is extending from domestic in-home devices such as refrigerators, toasters, and televisions, and is moving toward the industrial sector such as oil and gas, wind power, airlines, health care, and railroads. This new IOT application would allow not only for the connection of machines to the Internet, but to each other.

General Electric, the company blazing the trail of the industrial IOT, recently “doubl[ed] the vertically-specialized hardware/software packages it offers to connect machines and interpret their data. The company hopes to make its mark by significantly reducing the amount of ‘unplanned downtime’ that industrial equipment undergoes, thereby bringing about economic benefits.”

Yet GE is not the only major corporation that is jumping on board with the Industrial IOT. As Singularity Hub states, “the company has partnered with some of the usual enterprise technology suspects. Intel is providing processors and management tools for the motley crew network. AT&T provides the Internet service, and Cisco software helps tackle the big data. GE brings knowledge of the industries and their equipment.”

Brian Bradford, the marketing director of Smart Grid Solutions in GE’s Digital Energy division, in an interview with Singularity Hub, stated “At the end of the day, we see our strength in how to operate these systems, how the hardware and sensors work on these systems, and how you can take information and turn it into something that can add more predictive value for the [industrial] customer.”

For those who are unaware of what the terms “Smart Grid” and “Smart City” mean, the Smart Grid is essentially a computerized system that allows the monitoring and control over energy use from power at the plant source to every appliance in the home. Smart Grid technology is a major part of UN Agenda 21, the United Nations’ plan to herd a drastically reduced population into “human habitat areas,” meaning ultra-modern super cities with stack em’ and pack em’ dwelling structures and zero contact with nature and the outside world.


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