Fate of Ark of the Covenant Revealed in Hebrew Text
Source: news.discovery.com

A newly translated Hebrew text claims to reveal where treasures from King Solomon’s temple were hidden and discusses the fate of the Ark of the Covenant itself.
But unlike the Indiana Jones movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark," the text leaves the exact location of the Ark unclear and states that it, and the other treasures, "shall not be revealed until the day of the coming of the Messiah son of David …" putting it out of reach of any would-be treasure seeker.
Biblical Theories, Conjectures and Other Heresies
King Solomon’s Temple, also called the First Temple, was plundered and torched by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century B.C., according to the Hebrew Bible. The Ark of the Covenant is a chest that, when originally built, was said to have held tablets containing the 10 commandments. It was housed in Solomon’s Temple, a place that contained many different treasures.

This bas-relief image showing the Ark of the Covenant being carried is from the Auch Cathedral in France.
The newly translated text, called "Treatise of the Vessels" (Massekhet Kelim in Hebrew), says the "treasures were concealed by a number of Levites and prophets," writes James Davila, a professor at the University of St. Andrews, in an article in the book "Old Testament Pseudepigrapha More Noncanonical Scriptures Volume 1" (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2013).
"Some of these (treasures) were hidden in various locations in the Land of Israel and in Babylonia, while others were delivered into the hands of the angels Shamshiel, Michael, Gabriel and perhaps Sariel …" writes Davila in his article.
The treatise is similar in some ways to the metallic "Copper Scroll," one of the Dead Sea Scrolls found near the site of Qumran in the West Bank. The Copper Scroll also discusses the location of hidden treasure, although not from Solomon’s Temple.
Forgeries in the Bible’s New Testament?
The treatise describes the treasures in an imaginative way. One part refers to "seventy-seven tables of gold, and their gold was from the walls of the Garden of Eden that was revealed to Solomon, and they radiated like the radiance of the sun and moon, which radiate at the height of the world."
The oldest confirmed example of the treatise, which survives to present day, is from a book published in Amsterdam in 1648 called "Emek Halachah." In 1876, a scholar named Adolph Jellinek published another copy of the text, which was virtually identical to the 1648 version. Davila is the first to translate the text fully into English.
Read the full article at: news.discovery.com
The Ark’s Missing Piece
From: Bibliotecapleyades
by William Henry
from WilliamHenry Website
What do you see in this illumination?
Featured on the previous page is an illumination from a 12th century English bible housed at the Bodleian Library Oxford. When most look at it they see David (below) playing his lyre and triumphantly dancing before the Ark of the Covenant as it is being carried into Jerusalem with great pomp and ceremony.

Careful consideration of this illumination reveals that there is something more here. Attached to the right side of the Ark is a stylized pillar. Attached to the left side is a winged ‘worm’ or serpent. Together they represent the serpent and the Tree of Knowledge.
I’m plenty curious about why these extra ‘devices’ are present. Nowhere in scripture is a pillar and serpent explicitly linked with the Ark of the Covenant. Jewish art never shows a pillar on top of the Ark. Nor does it associate it with a serpent. Yet, here they are plain as day.
This is not an isolated incident. In the illumination from the famed 12th century Winchester Bible shown here an unknown artist called ‘the Master of the Leaping Figure’ portrayed Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, similar to the serpent that accompanies the Ark in David’s celebration scene. Yahweh’s head curls around the base of a pillar. His body is that of a serpent.

The Hebrew prophets cower before Yahweh whose head curls around the base of his pillar.
Note that his body is a serpent.
As both Jews and Christians adopted their sacred symbols from neighboring Sumeria and Egypt, an explanation for the inclusion of the serpent and pillar symbols in the celebration scene is found in comparing them with their appearance in these cultures.
E.A, the primordial creator God and wise being of ancient Sumer (present day Iraq), for instance, was portrayed as a bearded man-serpent floating beside his pillar.
The Casket or Pillar of Osiris was a phallic-shaped device that stood approximately 40 feet tall. It was made of evergreen or living acacia (shittim) wood (just like the Ark of the Covenant) and was lined with a gold alloy (probably palladium). Also known as the “Ladder to Heaven,” the “Backbone of Osiris,” and the Pillar of Meroe, it contained the ‘head’ of Osiris.
Read the full article at: bibliotecapleyades.net
To hear more on the mysteries of the Ark of the Covenant, tune into Red Ice Radio:
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