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Forget Your Free Phone, Obama Has Screwed The Poor
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Forget Your Free Phone, Obama Has Screwed The Poor


A video clip posted by the Drudge Report that has since gone viral which shows an Obama supporter semi-incoherently blathering about how she is voting for Obama because the government gave her a free phone tragically underscores how the state exploits dependency by offering poor people trinkets while simultaneously stealing their entire economic future.

Once you have recovered from the hilarity of the video clip, the awful truth behind it begins to sink in. While this Obama voter screeches about her government-provided cellphone, Obama has been busy screwing the poor at every turn.

To clarify, the “Obama Cell Phone” program has provided 269,000 poor Americans with free phones and monthly service at a cost of over $1.6 billion dollars to the taxpayer, a figure that keeps rising every year.

The video harks back to a 2008 clip during which an Obama voter gushed about how Obama’s election victory meant she no longer had to worry about paying her mortgage or filling her car with gas.

The delusion that these people are living under knows no bounds.
Under Obama that the poor have got poorer. Poverty levels have increased to levels approaching the 1960′s.

Obama didn’t pay for your mortgage, he bailed out the mortgage companies, the predatory lenders, the big banks, and then the Federal Reserve paid them not to lend.

Obama didn’t pay for your gas, but he did pay for General Motors to ship your jobs to China.

Obama gave the green light for Ben Bernanke to engage in QE Infinity - driving up gasoline prices and driving down the value of the dollar. Under Obama, the cost of living has soared.

The only people benefiting from Obama and the Fed’s economic holocaust are the super rich who are invested in the casino stock market.

The gap between rich and poor has never been greater than under Obama. The fraction of growth for the top one percent grew at 95 per cent under Obama compared to 65 per cent under Bush.

Obama has screwed the poor.

But forget all that – “Everybody got Obama phone!

While their entire economic future has been sold down the river, these people have allowed their votes to be bought by a free phone.



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