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Former IT Staffer for Wasserman-Schultz Caught Attempting to Flee the Country, Charged with Bank Fraud
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Former IT Staffer for Wasserman-Schultz Caught Attempting to Flee the Country, Charged with Bank Fraud

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Congressional IT staffer Imran Awan was arrested on Tuesday evening at Dulles International Airport and charged with bank fraud. Awan has been accused of double-charging the House for IT equipment and exposing House info online.

On July 23, The Daily Caller reported that FBI agents seized smashed hard drives from Imran Awan’s home. After the criminal probe into Aman was revealed in February, the former IT staffer abruptly moved from his residence in Lorton, Virginia.

The subsequent tenant, a Marine, discovered government equipment, including hard drives, upon moving into Awan’s home. The Marine, who mentioned that the equipment appeared as if someone had tried to destroy it, turned everything over to the FBI.

Moreover, according to The Daily Caller’s report, Awan threatened to sue the Marine for “stealing” the hard drives, and appeared at his house on multiple occasions to try to get them back.

Further concerning is the involvement of Aman’s family in his shady dealings. Aman and some of his relatives, including his two brothers and their wives, worked for the House IT department for over a decade. The Daily Caller reports that Aman’s younger brothers, wife, and best friend are all under investigation as well. (Aman’s wife has allegedly traveled to Pakistan since the probe was revealed.)

Curiously, despite earning nearly $2 million dollars since 2004, Awan declared bankruptcy in 2012.

Awan, a Pakistani native, remained close with Wasserman-Schultz – even after others distanced themselves from him. After his arrest tonight, though, the former DNC Chairwoman has officially terminated Awan's services.


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