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From the Classroom with Bush on the Morning of 9/11: "Kite" - "Hit" - "Steel" - "Plane" - "Must" - "Get Ready!"
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From the Classroom with Bush on the Morning of 9/11: "Kite" - "Hit" - "Steel" - "Plane" - "Must" - "Get Ready!"


This is George W Bush on the morning of 9/11 just SECONDS before getting "the news".

Why the f**k! are the kids reading these words? Who wrote this? Who told the teacher what words to use? Did the kids pick 'em? Did the White House staff?

As the kids in the classroom read: Kite hit steel plane must, the teacher goes "Get ready!" after each word. Get ready indeed.

As soon as the words have been shouted out the president's aide lean in and gives Bush "the news" - whatever he might have told him. Eerie!

I though the story about the upside down pet goat was strange - but this is even freakier.

Here is the full video of "Bush's Seven Minutes of Silence"

Love the teachers pen whipping that paper after EVERY word.

Description text from YouTube:


What is a "KITE - PLANE" - it is a Radio-Controlled plane - controlled from the ground! [Are we now not all aware of DRONE (i.e. Kite) PLANES?][Planes very carefully controlled from the ground - as from (NORAD or) the PEOC under the White House?(V-P in Charge)]

This was the means set out to use as a False-Flag EVENT [to blame CUBANS at the time... that Plan was used again on "911" to be the EVENT to ANGER the US Public who were to BELIEVE their US Executive {POTUS & VP} as THE WAY TO ENTER & misappropriate the largest finite reserves of OIL that are located in the Middle East.

[Saudi Arabia was/is already controlled by the US]

IRAQ was under the control of a US acolyte/puppet (Saddam HUSSEIN) who became a Nationalist - he asked the US Ambassador to Kuwait (April GLASPIE) what would happen if he (Saddam HUSSEIN) was to take back KUWAIT - that used to be part of IRAQ. [He was told deceitfully that he would "get the Green Light from the US"].

The US Government at the highest level were they not behind the carefully planned 911 atrocity - what did Zbigniew BRZEZINSKI assert in his book: "THE GRAND CHESSBOARD"as key, urgent advice to David ROCKEFELLER & the "POTUS" Bush, & V-P Cheney re US Strategic Policy - Energy & Capital - look at the evidence of the late Aaron RUSSO who spoke to Nicholas ROCKEFELLER who CONFIDED to RUSSO about the planned 911 "EVENT" (the planned Hijacking "DRILL" to be orchestrated from 08.30am in the early morning of 911 by V-P Dick CHENEY from the PEOC Bunker under the White House) [some 11 months before it was due to take place]!

Listen to what Norman MINETA [US Transport Secretary] had to say about the pre-planned "Hijacking DRILL" that took place in the early morning of 911. [He was never one of the Insiders briefed before hand].
Listen to what Major-General Albert STUBBLEBINE had to say about 911. [He was never one of the Insiders briefed before hand].

The REALITY is it not that the CIA was the originator, architect & facilitator of 911 - on Presidential Orders - through "Operation NORTHWOODS" - the original plan was the means to initiate a way to subvert the Government of CUBA - it was set out in a TOP SECRET Plan -"OPERATION NORTHWOODS" but re-used by the Bush & Cheney Government - was it not under the control of David ROCKEFELLER... of whom Zbigniew BRZEZINSKI was his Strategic Adviser & member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group & Bohemian Grove member?

The "Fairy Tale" of the Official Story of 911 & the book read by the teacher of "THE PET GOAT" links to very SENIOR FREEMASONRY as the true connecting instrument!

There were some VERY important words that the teacher [Mrs Sandra Daniels] was asked to read to the children at the Emma E. BOOKER Elementary school at Sarasota, Florida.

[The school was named after Emma E. Booker, an African-American educator who founded the first black school in Sarasota County, Florida]. The book from which the story was read was very carefully selected: "THE PET GOAT" - as in PAN as in BEL as in BAPHOMET as in the SATANIC GOAT of MENDES of Senior FREEMASONRY["ILLUMINATI"]!

The 5 (five) specific words that had to be read before the deep BOW [as obeisance - but THE CHILDREN (symbolic of the US People) DID NOT UNDERSTAND - just as most of the 310+ Million US citizens did not understand and too many STILL do NOT understand!

The 5 (five) words were CODE words [of which the POTUS knew - yet he will deny he knew] which explained/explains all:
ii) HIT
iii) STEEL

ORDER must be formed out of CHAOS - ORDO AB CHAO
[maxim/motto of the ILLUMINATI (i.e. Senior Freemasonry)]
The next word [for FREEMASONS is the number 4 (square)] after "KITE" - so "PLANE" must come next in this purported puzzle! The following word [for FREEMASONS is the number 5 (pentagram)] after "PLANE" must come the word "MUST"... so the words MUST read as follows:

iii) MUST
iv) HIT

A "KITE PLANE" is a radio-controlled plane - controlled from the ground.

Many observers on 911 [2001] noted that it was NOT a passenger plane - moreso a military aircraft with no windows - just like a DRONE PLANE or a "KITE PLANE"!

It is a CODE - just as the BIBLE [OT & NT] is set out in a CODE for those who are aware & those who understand...
NOT to be understood LITERALLY BUT Allegorically or Figuratively or SYMBOLICALLY...

HORRIFIC that 3,000+ GOOD people were offered in this Horrific Paganistic Ritual Sacrifice...

[CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of WTC 1 (North); 2 (South); & 7][PENTAGON evidence SCREAMS OUT that it was a MISSILE][inter alia: debris field + size of egress aperture].

[911 Crime Scene evidence was UNLAWFULLY very quickly destroyed - shipped to the far side of the World].
[Is it TRUE that the GENTILES appear to be "Dispensible"?]




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