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Geoengineering Projects Doomed To Fail While Polluting The Earth
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Geoengineering Projects Doomed To Fail While Polluting The Earth


Geoengineering technologies are the stuff of Hollywood catastrophe flicks. It seems scientists want to play God with our climate and nothing will stop them.

Researchers have recommended sending out a giant glass sunshade into space to reflect light; the eruption of artificial volcanoes, or spraying of sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere; dissolving mountains and putting remains in the sea; and, least dramatically, perhaps, filing the ocean with iron filings to stimulate algae blooms. Here are 4 geoengineering projects doomed to fail while they pollute our Earth.



The Technology: Scientists are already trying to stop the sun’s rays and heat from reaching the Earth’s atmosphere by reflecting some of the sun’s rays back into space using aerosals. They’ve been called chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. The largest reports come from Canada and U.S. but it happens all over the world including countries such as France, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom among many others. Thousands of planes spray chemicals, salt or other particulates into our atmosphere in an attempt to curb global warming (so they say).

How Scientists Want to Play God: The release of chemicals or particulates, like highly polluting sulfur have been discussed for almost a decade by many scientists worldwide waiting in the wings for funding. They want to add more small reflecting particles in the upper part of the atmosphere (the stratosphere which is located between 15 and 50 kilometers above the Earth’s surface). The goal is that these stratospheric aerosols will be engineered to migrate to particular regions (e.g. over the arctic) or to rise above the stratosphere. A CFR geo-engineering meeting summary document from 1999 (PDF pages 12,13,14) also categorically stated that the ultimate goal under “A technology strategy for global warming” is the implementation of a global Carbon Tax. So they want to play God and tax man at the same time.

Why it Won’t Work: This is among the riskiest and most ridiculous of global warming fixes. Global weather patterns could be drastically affected. Artificial weather modification can impact all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public could be subjected increasingly toxic or unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops and trees. If we artificially change the growing seasons, our pollinators like bees and birds (many now in sharp decline across the United States), may not survive, leaving many flowers, native plants, agricultural and trees crops that are not pollinated. Native grasses, plants, trees, and agricultural losses could be devastated not only in the United States but on a worldwide basis.


The Technology: Scientists would assembling a giant glass sunshade in space then firing it into orbit to reflect a small proportion of the sun’s rays, according to astronomer Roger Angel.

How Scientists Want to Play God: Scientists claim a reduction of just 2 percent in sunlight reaching the Earth would make warming more manageable.

Why it Won’t Work: Asteroids, primarily. Glass discs would be vulnerable to space debris, and maintenance of a "space umbrella" requires time, expertise and money. Any attempts to control the exterior perimeter of the Earth through God-like intervention in space reflectors is an exercise in futility since any type of technology, regardless of how advanced, would never withstand the strength of even small asteroids and space debris which would essentially render these reflectors useless.

Read more at:

READ: Mother Nature Becoming More Irritated As Even Geoengineering Scientists Admit They Might Be Making Things Worse…But They’ll Keep Doing It, Anyway


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