German Newspaper Documenting Mean Things Said About Foreign Invaders On Facebook
A German newspaper is actually documenting mean things people are posting on Facebook about the savages that have invaded their land.
How can anyone possibly take the corporate media seriously when they do things like this? They are literally labeling people who want to preserve their culture and thwart this invasion as bad people It is the opposite.
These savages are only coming to Germany to get free stuff. On top of that, they are bringing crime, disease and filth to Germany. They offer nothing of value and should be removed as soon as possible.
From AFP:
Germany’s top-selling Bild daily Tuesday documented racist vitriol against migrants posted by Facebook users in a double-page newspaper spread, as pressure grows on the social network to eliminate hate speech.
A day after thousands of anti-Muslim PEGIDA protesters and anti-fascist counter-demonstrators rallied in the eastern city of Dresden, Bild published dozens of anti-migrant rants under the headline “The Pillory of Shame”.
Facebook “agitators” posted xenophobic and threatening comments, which Bild urged the prosecutor general to investigate.