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Granting the Peace Prize to the "Non Person" EU is in Violation of Alfred Nobel’s Will
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Granting the Peace Prize to the "Non Person" EU is in Violation of Alfred Nobel’s Will

[...] [F]or champions of peace [the prize will be awarded] by a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be a Scandinavian or not.

Will of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, November 27, 1895,
emphasis added

The conditions set out in Alfred Nobel’s Will have been twisted upside down.

Nobel’s Will is crystal clear. The five prizes are to be granted to “persons”. (See complete list of laureates)

Since its inception, however, several of the prizes have been granted to both “persons” and organizations/institutions to which they are affiliated as in the case of Henry Dunand (Red Cross) or Mohamed ElBaradei, UN International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA). In other cases, the prize was granted as to “organizations” consisting of a collective of persons (e.g. UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

The granting of the Nobel Prize to the European Union, which is a political entity, a union of nation states, is visibly in blatant violation of Alfred Nobel’s Will. Under the Lisbon Treaty, the European Union acquired the status of a “legal person”. But a “legal person” is not a “person” as expressed in Alfred Nobel’s Will.

Theater of the Absurd

The European Union cannot under any stretch of the imagination be categorized as a “person”, “a group of persons” or even an “organization”. Moreover, implied in Nobel’s Will is that the candidates must be citizens without regard to nationality:

“It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be a Scandinavian or not.(Alfred Nobel’s Will, Paris, 1895)

The European Union is a union of nation states composed of citizens.

The EU cannot be a citizen of itself, nor does the EU have a nationality.

Citizens of the EU are “eligible candidates” but the EU cannot be “an eligible candidate”.

Moreover, it stands to reason that “eligible candidates” for the Peace prize who are “persons” cannot reasonably be evaluated, compared or ranked by the Norwegian selection committee in relation to the European Union, which is a “non-person”, namely a union of countries.

This an important consideration: How does the candidacy of the EU “compare” to “other” distinguished 2012 nominees who are actual “persons”? “Oranges versus apples?


Read the full article at:

The Nobel Peace Prize To The Undeserving European Union
The EU selection follows the path of another brainless choice for the Nobel Peace Prize - Barack Obama in 2009, when he had not done a thing except give lofty speeches and apologia for the United States’ role in the world.

The two recipients have this in common. Obama described himself as “a citizen of the world” and proclaimed the virtues of “global citizenship” to adoring crowds in Berlin in 2007. The Nobel Committee liked what it heard and awarded Obama the peace prize for his potential to elevate transnationalism over American national sovereignty. He has not disappointed.

The EU is all about supranational authority as a counterweight to nationalism. The Nobel Committee apparently believes that the tradeoff is worth it on the theory that the EU has brought peace, democracy and human rights to Europe. The committee has ignored a few “inconvenient truths,” to borrow a phrase from another undeserving recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, Al Gore.


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