Hoodwinked at Sandy Hook by Hollywood Hypocrites and Government Hacks
Source: youtube.com
"Oh, the irony. Armed, security-surrounded and weapon-protected Hollywood Hypocrites demanding a plan from the money-grubbing Law-making Liars of Washington to enforce gun-control laws under the pretense of making people "safer." While they teach the youth of today, by their ACTIONS, that it’s okay to make money from pervasive "gun violence" on the silver screen, they, with their feeble words, COMMAND us to call upon a Government who cares nothing for the people, to put a restriction on gun use. Of course, no one is calling for a ban on the many "assault weapons" that protect the precious lives of our Liberty--trampling President or the privileged lives of the High Society Movie Muckety Mucks! It is only the average law-abiding citizens who must follow these new restrictions. Criminals won’t, Politicians won’t, Stars won’t, insane people won’t...but we LAW-ABIDERS MUST!! INSANITY!! "Video from: YouTube.com