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House Panel to TSA: Stop Patting Down Beyonce (Celebs ’More Equal’ Than Others)
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House Panel to TSA: Stop Patting Down Beyonce (Celebs ’More Equal’ Than Others)

House officials have some words of wisdom for the TSA: Don’t pat down Beyonce.

After all, "she’s not going to blow a plane up," says Rep. Mike Rogers, who heads the House Homeland Security Transportation Subcommittee. "There are certain people that are just so well-known that you’ve just got to use your common sense," he added during a meeting yesterday. Others cited as deserving of a free pass: Donald Rumsfeld and Henry Kissinger, the Los Angeles Times reports.

During the meeting, TSA boss John Pistole noted that security efforts are being redesigned to focus on passengers agents know little about, and pointed out that the TSA now lets seniors over 75 keep their outerwear and shoes on during screenings.

"If we have treated somebody unprofessionally, then shame on us because we have not done the job that we are expected to do," Pistole said. Meanwhile, complaints have actually decreased: This March, the agency got 1,294 complaints after screening 56 million people; last March 55 million were screened and 1,445 complaints registered, officials say.

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Ed Note: By Elizabeth Leafloor,

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".
~George Orwell, Animal Farm

How tragic that life is imitating art. Orwell’s Animal Farm is a good allegory for not only what we’ve done historically, but what we’re doing NOW.

Even though it’s repeated to the public that terrorists are a horrible threat, and they can be anyone - even you or I - there should be ’concessions’ made for those people we recognize. Those with money and status are somehow less of a threat by their very nature, apparently. No one with money or power could be BAD, could they? Or have evil intentions?

Kissinger and Rumsfeld ’safe’?? By what stretch of the definition? When you have ’war criminal’ associated with your name, one would think it would be MORE difficult to make it through screening!

Meanwhile, children, who would presumably carry less suspicion than an adult, especially a frequently internationally-traveling adult, are being thoroughly screened and patted-down (some would say groped and molested), and treated with great disrespect. Many of these children end up traumatized and terrified of both the airport and authority.

Violate me??! But I’m powerful and wealthy!

These suggestions by Homeland Security Transportation Subcommittee Head are outrageous. If you’re going to use common sense for Beyonce, use common sense for all citizens. If you’re going to excuse "well-known" people, excuse us all. This (among other mountains of evidence) simply demonstrates what a farce the ’security’ measures truly are.

Kissinger Gets Full TSA Patdown And Lives To Sell The Tale

TSA Screeners Will Stop Your Children, Not Your Meth

Don’t want to be groped by the TSA or go through a body scanner? Just pay $100!

TSA Failed At Least 23 Times to Detect Subsequent Terror Suspects as They Boarded Planes in U.S.

The more often that ’important’ figures are forced to submit to the outlandish security theatre, the more likely it is that these rules will be changed for all of us. If we allow people of wealth, power, and celebrity to slide through, it will be all the more difficult for the average person to stop these measures.

By Elizabeth Leafloor,

Image: Source, Edited: EL RIC 2012

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