If Thoughts Can Do This To Water – Imagine What They Can Do To Us
Source: xposethereal.com
10 years ago, if you told somebody that human consciousness alone can have a direct affect on our physical world they would probably look at you like you’re crazy. Today, however, is a different story. Within the past few years mainstream science is catching on to the fact that yes, consciousness is correlated and can have a direct affect on what we call our physical material world.
The experiment tested the hypothesis that water exposed to distant intentions affects the aesthetic rating of ice crystals formed from that water. Basically, it tested whether intentions could influence the physical structure of water (as mentioned earlier). Over a period of three days, approximately 2000 people in Austria and Germany focused their intentions towards water samples that were placed inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. Other samples were located outside of the shielded room so that they could act as a distant control. Ice drops formed from multiple samples of water in different treatment conditions were photographed by a technician. Each image was assessed for aesthetic beauty by over 2,500 independent judges and the results of the data were analyzed by individuals who were blind with respect to the treatment conditions.
Results showed that the test was consistent with a number of previous studies suggesting that intention may be able to influence the structure of water.
Read the full article at: xposethereal.com
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