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If Your Pee Stinks, You’re Dehydrated!
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If Your Pee Stinks, You’re Dehydrated!

By Lana Lokteff |
We are born of the water. Our muscles that move our body are 75% water. Our blood that transports nutrients is 82% water. Our lungs that provide us with oxygen are 90% water. Our brain is 76% water and even our bones are 25% water. Water covers 70% of our planet and is vital for all life on Earth. There’s a reason why we’re drawn to the ocean, lakes and rivers. Beyond the subconscious reasons, lurks the simple need for our survival. A person deprived of water will die in 60 to 80 hours.

If you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well. It is apparent when you see the majority of idiots who drink soda, frappuccinos and energy drinks all day long, only dehydrating themselves more and contributing to the zombie culture.

Those who suffer from dehydration will feel fatigue and headaches, and an overall disconnected feeling from life, even depression and hunger. So before you reach for medication or a Twinkie, ask yourself,”How much water have I had today?”

Some of the ”things” that will dehydrate you more include alcohol, coffee, caffeinated tea, strange fake liquid juices and sports drinks, fruit juice, aspartame , medications, airplanes, low blood sugar, hot climates, sugar, salt, processed foods, stress, acidic blood, exercise, diarrhea and vomiting. No, alcohol and coffee aren’t evil (some disagree) but you should replenish the fluids they took on the way out.

Mental fogginess, poor short term memory, dizziness, poor balance and skin problems are just some of what may occur from dehydration. So are cholesterol problems, constipation, heartburn, water retention, kidney stones, joint pain and back pain. That’s because the functions of water in the human body are vital. Water transports nutrients and oxygen into cells, moisturizes the air in lungs, helps with metabolism, protects our vital organs, helps our organs to absorb nutrients better, regulates body temperature, detoxifies, protects and moisturizes our joints and lubricates all our moving parts.

Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the chemtrail air you breathe, the chemically laced food you eat and the poisons you absorb through various products you use on your skin and hair. And shame on you if you drink fluoridated water. Fluoride is a corrosive poison. Ok, well these don’t apply to all of us!

Most people think they don’t need to drink until they are thirsty. Too late. You’ve already lost a considerable amount of water at this point. A good indicator of being hydrated is to look at the color of your urine. If it is light in color then you are hydrated and your body is eliminating excess water. However, if it is a dark, stinky and just yucky, you need to drink more water. Take your weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces you should approximately drink each day. You’ll feel, in this case smell, the difference and gauge what you need.

Drinking enough water is not the only requirement to keep hydrated but so is the type of water you drink. Consider the pH, a measure of how acidic/alkaline water is. pHs of less than 7 indicates acidity, whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates an alkaline solution. Acidic=double negative bad. pH can be affected by chemicals in the water, so has your drinking water been treated, processed and infected?

If you’re drinking distilled/purified bottled water remember, dangerous toxins from some plastic water bottles can leach into your water. Also, you need to make up for the lack of essential minerals in the water. Basically, distilled/purified water is just cleaned up city water. Obviously, water from wells, springs and geysers are preferred over the tap. Natural spring water or artesian water, comes from an underground source, and contains at least 250 parts per million (ppm) of dissolved solids, including minerals and trace elements.

Lastly, be aware of water poisoned by drugs, fluoride, sex hormones and God knows what else. You will become what you drink. So if you want to become a man with boobs, crying about his clogged up pineal gland, drink it. Maybe your dementia will help you forget about it. Or go buy a water filter (also including one for your shower when your pores are open wide receiving) and take mineral supplements (or Nettle like discussed in the last article).

Not only will clean water keep you healthy, it will make your skin glow, give you energy and make you happy.

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