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James Foley beheaded - Financed by USA
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James Foley beheaded - Financed by USA

John McCain is a traitorous piece of garbage.Last year McCain worked with the "Syrian Emergency Task Force" to help overthrow the Syrian government. Investigative work (see the detailed article below) revealed that this task force was just a front organization for AIPAC.McCain met with known terrorists, including the infamous al-Qaeda. Yeah, the terrorist organization that was behind 9/11 received aid and comfort from John McCain. January, 2014 the US congress secretly agreed to fund various Islamic terrorists organizations in an attempt to overthrow the government of Syria. One of these "moderate" organizations became to be known as ISIS. Your tax dollars at work.Burn in Hell John. - Light arms supplied by the United States are flowing to "moderate" Syrian rebel factions in the south of the country and U.S. funding for months of further deliveries has been approved by Congress, according U.S. and European security officials.Source:


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