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Kate Must Curtsey to ’Blood Princesses’
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Kate Must Curtsey to ’Blood Princesses’

Despite the fact Kate Middleton may one day become queen, she recently learned she must bow down (or in this case, curtsey) to "blood princesses" when she’s not in Prince William’s company. According to the new Windsor protocol, this includes Kate curtseying to the Princess Royal, Princess Alexandra, and the daughters of the Duke of York, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

Kate does not need to bend the knee to Beatrice and Eugenie when she is with William, however. But confusingly enough, she still must curtsey to the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, The Telegraph reports.

The Queen recently circulated around the royal household an updated copy of the Order of Precedence, which is an official paper listing, in descending order, the rankings of the different members in the Royal family.

The document clarified Kate’s status: As a former commoner, she must show reverence by curtseying to royal-borns in public and private when her husband, Prince William, is not present.


Read the full article at:

Ed Note: Due to the ’royal blood’ of any potential offspring, will Kate have to bow before her own children? ~E

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