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Lies and unfounded Promotoin of the Nordic "Death" Model
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Lies and unfounded Promotoin of the Nordic "Death" Model

By Henrik Palmgren |

Listen to "The Nordic Model, a Template for Global Enslavement" (link to mp3 file) from February 10, 2012 for background on WHY the Nordic model is one of the most dangerous political and philosophical social models in the world.

I’m in it and I can tell you that it will kill your country and turn the citizens into slaves.


In this article you can read lies about the Swedish welfare state and the tax system. The article is written by a "progressive" American who probably never lived in Sweden and most definitively never operated a business here.

The article argues the greatness of the tax system and complains on american conservatives for pointing out the horrors of the system. The author doesn’t seem to understand that independent business owners as so heavily taxed in Sweden that most never stay around long enough to be able to employ or expand their businesses. The social fees, thanks to the unions, are beyond belief and the profit margins for most small businesses are razor thin. This creates problems because there is not really any opportunity for the business owners to compete with larger already established businesses. This results in fewer options for the consumers, worse service, less business and fewer jobs.

Before new started businesses even had the chance to kick off their new business and gotten the ball rolling. The tax office asks for estimated profit of the company and before you even had a chance to make any money, they tax you on the estimate.

Unions are in bed with the government in Sweden and they have managed to milk so much tax money out of businesses that they A) are so big (like Volvo) that they choose to move their production and factories elsewhere (this is frankly understandable) or B) they are to small and they go under because they can’t employ, can’t expand and make enough revenue to go around.

From the article:

According to those US statistics, Swedish workers are paid more per hour than US workers when you factor in both wages and benefits.

Getting more money doesn’t solve anything! It’s not HOW MUCH YOU MAKE: It’s how much you PAY. It’s all in comparison to what you pay for rent and/or your house, your food and. It’s also relative to how much money goes to paying the tax trolls.

The income tax in Sweden is 48.3% (Direct Tax 32% and "Indirect" tax (means social fees and other garbage) is 31.42%.

Add to this that you also have a sales tax (VAT) on ALL food and services of 25%. This can also be higher depending on how "god", sorry I mean the government determines it. For example, the tax on gas is 60%! For car owners there is also a yearly set tax on your car depending on what kind of vehicle you drive. There is also a road tax that you pay each year.

Taxes are also higher on alcohol. All the beer and booze sold in Sweden is ONLY allowed to be sold by government owned and operated liquor stores called "Systembolaget". In other words this government owned enterprise is a monopoly. This means great a "vibe" for those who wish to go pick up a nice bottle of wine for the weekends. The choices are very limited.

For many years there has also been reports of corruption with crooks going from the political world over to sitting on the board of Vin & Sprit AB the largest importer in the world for alcohol. This is the company that supplies Systembolaget with their products.

The people high up in Vin & Sprit AB also receives massive bribes from liquor producers in other countries becase those companies obviously want to make sure that they end up on the list of products that Vin & Sprit AB and Systembolaget provides to all of their 510 outlets around the country.

From the article:

Most people are familiar with the idea that Europeans don’t have to spend their after-tax money on health care

The author doesn’t understand that we pay to go to the doctor just like Americans. We pay to see the doctor, we pay to get treatment, get medicin, surgery or ANY kind of medical assistance. It isn’t FREE! Nothing is free! Furthermore, our high taxes was SUPPOSED to pay for the medical bills yes? Well, it doesn’t. So we pay for the government to provide us with medical help. This is horrible, this results in a very VERY bad "service" 8if you can call it that) and there are basically NO OPTIONS and NO COMPETITION to this system.

I’d rather keep the government out of my pocket, save the money myself or take out insurance and then IF something happens to me I can go to a hospital that provides a good service and I’ll pay for it.

What we have in Sweden can be likened to "preventive medicine". The government logic is: we’ll take your money right away, in case something happens to you later. For someone not running to the doctor or being in accidents, is this fair?


"Conservative" Niinistö, New president (as of 2012) of Finland defends the Nordic Model. He defends a big public sector. i .e. big fat ugly government.


There are more lies beig put out by the Economist, regrading the Nordic Model and the "conservative" choice of President in Finland:

This election has confirmed that, as in Sweden (if not Denmark), the centre-left in much of Europe is weak and it is the conservatives who are making the running on policy. Finns are more concerned to boost jobs and growth than to protect welfare, reinforcing the strong economic performance of the Nordic model that has made their region into one of the world’s richest and most successful.

American Socialist Thom Hartmann is continousley putting out lies about the Nordic Model and he praise Denmark all the time. (The article was originaly posted on AlterNet, has since been removed but exists in the forum post we linked up

He argues in the article that Denmark is the best place in the world and that paying more TAXES would increase wages!!!

He is either an idiot or a liar.

I’ve done the math argued in the article and there’s a lot he excludes or simply leaves out.

Minimum Wage in USA: 7.25$
Minimum Wage in Denmark 18$

WOW great! right!?

NO! Because if you look at the income taxes, sales taxes on ALL food and services, road taxes, gasoline taxes, congestion charges, alcohol taxes, tobacco taxes (if you use tobacco) and taxes and social fees on employees etc etc then you acctually end up with LESS money at the end of the day in Denmark compared to the United States on minimum wage, because the expenses are huge, especially if you live somewhere like Copenhagen.

Income Tax in USA: 13% (for minimum wage)
Income Tax Denmark: 45% to a high 56% (no matter if you have "minimum wage")
Income Tax in Sweden: 48.3% (Direct Tax 32% - "Indirect" Tax (means Social Fees and other GARBAGE) 31.42%

Welcome to Paradise Thom Hartmann! You’re an idiot! You come live here in the Nordic Death Model and try to start a business and see how you like it!

Here is a post that tells some of the truth about Denmark from one of his own readers, on his own forum:

you have to stop this Danish fixation you are on. You are not portraying the real Denmark, I think I may have one up on you on this one, it’s my “home” country. (Raised in Denmark and live in the US, with all my family still in Europe).

I know, for the past few years the people of Denmark have been “voted” the happiest people in the world, it’s complete BS, but a fantastic ploy to get tourist to come visit “Wonderful Copenhagen”. Denmark is the largest user of happy pills per capita in the world, I think that may just have something to do with their happiness. A happiness measured on what they have and can buy in material goods, this according to a Danish poll I heard 3 weeks ago while in Denmark.

The anger and tensions in Denmark, is so prevalent that I for one feel safer in NYC then in Copenhagen.

Your idea that the right-wingers in Denmark base their entire platform on anti immigration and racism, is very misunderstood to say the least. Besides their racist agenda, there is nothing the right wing parties would rather do than privatize the entire social sector and state run agencies. And they are well on their way to ruin what was, to become just another corporate institution in the world of lobbyist and capitalism run amok.

Just like here, the rich pays no tax, Maersk (richest Dane) is an example of someone who is tax free and treated like royalty for donating the new opera that the state now have to pay millions (Kroner) every year just to run and maintain.

The former PM in Denmark, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, G.W. Bushes best friend and now NATO Sec.Gen. Was such an idiot that the reason Denmark is not much further in the development of reusable energy is all his. Denmark is actually far behind some other countries because the right wing government under Fogh de-funded reusable energy research.

I hope you’ll take another look at Denmark, without a Danish Radio tourist guide by your side, because the Dane is just like any other patriot, they want to show you their best and prettiest side.

Denmark is far from a Wonderland, it’s actually fast becoming the very dark spot on the European map, this according to several European opinions across the continent.

Read more on his forum:


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