Magnesium Deficiency: The Source of Most Modern Chronic Illness?
To be in good health is a true blessing, and without proper nutrition a foundation for health cannot be built. I found this out the hard way. For several years I experienced severe fatigue daily, along with muscle spasms, weak teeth, shortness of breath, anxiety and generally not feeling well. I started to conduct research on the unpleasant assortment of symptoms that I was experiencing, and I repeatedly came across information on the essential element called magnesium. It turns out that the majority of Americans (80% or more) are magnesium deficient due to poor diet and soil depletion. Every symptom that I had was a sign of magnesium deficiency. Upon further research I discovered magnesium oil, which is easily absorbed – more so than pill form – through the skin via Transdermal Magnesium Therapy. After using the oil for several months, all of the symptoms have disappeared.
If i had gone to a doctor, instead of doing my own research, I likely would have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome or some other illness that would be “treated” with drugs dispensed from the Medical-Industrial Complex, masking the underlying nutritional deficiency. In my research I have found that nearly every symptom of magnesium deficiency has a specific corresponding pharmaceutical drug to “treat” it. The monetary impact to drug companies – in the event that widespread attention was given to Transdermal Magnesium Therapy – would be monumental.
Other than myself, I have family who have personally experienced the healing power of magnesium. Among other things, chronic indigestion and heart palpitations have been eliminated. Prescription drugs have been thrown out. Magnesium oil has been nothing short of a miracle for me, and I hope that this information will be helpful for those who read this report. I urge everyone who reads on to do their own research and take whatever course of action you feel necessary for your personal needs.
The Medical Industrial Complex
As we have covered, large foundations, namely the Carnegie and Rockefeller enterprises, are largely responsible for creating the industrial society that we have today. The medical establishment is no exception. “Their numerous projects and the unprecedented scope of their financial and institutional resources shaped the development of culture and the production of knowledge in the United States,” writes Dr. Lily E. Kay. Our modern schooling system – also a product of the large foundations – does not teach the history of foundations in molding our society. Thus the process of invisible power is exercised on an unaware population. We see its effects, but the source remains unknown to the majority outside of certain professional classes, who remain compartmentalized. The “wide view” of society and its many issues is lost on many and we see the world through a straw.
The modern medical establishment is another product of the Carnegie/Rockefeller combine. As with the modern schooling system that they created, the modern medical system was designed to support the industrial society that the captains of industry forged – and to ensure the elite’s dominance into the future.
The Rockefeller family’s first philanthropic investment was the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, founded in 1901 with the guidance of Frederick Taylor Gates. It was the Rockefeller/Carnegie empire that led the overhaul of the American Medical Establishment in the early 1900′s. As author and researcher G. Edward Griffin notes in his book World Without Cancer, this overhaul was necessary. However, he warns that we need to investigate who initiated it and the motives that they held.
One of the ways in which this combine directed the medical establishment, and continues to do so today, was with the heavy influence of grant money. E Richard Brown writes in Rockefeller Medicine Men that,
“Medical researchers may be free of the influence of the medical commodity marketplace, but to win fame and fortune they must obey the rules of the medical research funds ‘market.’ Their dependence on foundation and government funding agencies restricts the range of problems and methods they may investigate and constrains their creative intellectual processes as well.”
Thus, writes Brown, “…a growing interest group within the corporate class has a direct financial stake in the dominance of technological medicine.”
The Magnesium Miracle
The essential, naturally occurring mineral called magnesium certainly does not fit into the world of technological medicine. While its effect on human beings health is often ignored by modern medicine in diagnosing illness, its importance cannot be understated. Dr. Mark Sircus, author of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy comments on the entrenched mindset of modern medicine,
“The pharmaceutical paradigm (agenda) just does not want its practitioners to see what is really the underlying cause of many of the dramatic diseases humanity is facing today; it does not want them to see, even though the evidence and studies are everywhere, that magnesium deficiency is a primary cause of the vast majority of chronic diseases and cancer.”It was called the “Beautiful Mineral” by the Chinese, and for good reason. In his book, Dr. Sircus documents the science behind magnesium and why it is so essential for our health. In fact, writes Sircus, without magnesium, there wouldn’t be much life at all on earth. He writes,
“The capture of light energy from the sun is magnesium-dependent… Magnesium is the element that causes plants to be able to convert light into energy… The whole basis of life and the food chain is seen in the sunlight-chlorophyll-magnesium chain…”While magnesium is clearly vital for life, it is another mineral called calcium that has been given the spotlight. The majority of Americans eat a disproportionate ratio of calcium to magnesium. It is this distorted relation between the two that Dr. Sircus believes – and well documents – is responsible for a large percentage of chronic illness. “A healthy cell has a high magnesium and low calcium level… calcium becomes increasingly toxic in the face of any kind of magnesium deficiency…” writes Sircus.
If you suffer from muscle cramps, twitching eye lids, and generally tense body tissue, chances are that you have a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium and calcium have two different functions. Calcium is used when the muscles contract, and magnesium relaxes them.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms
Dr. Sircus documents the National Institute of Health’s list of magnesium deficiency symptoms:
Early symptoms include one or more of: irritability, anxiety (including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tourette syndrome), anorexia, fatigue, insomnia, and muscle twitching. Other symptoms include apathy, confusion, poor memory, poor attention and the reduced ability to learn.
Moderate deficiency symptoms can consist of the above and possibly rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat and other cardiovascular changes (some being lethal).
Severe deficiency symptoms can include one or more of the above symptoms; or more severe symptoms including full body tingling, numbness, a sustained contraction of the muscles along with hallucinations and delirium, (including depression) and finally dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease).
In the increasingly toxic environment that we live in, magnesium is taking on an even more important role through its ability to detoxify the human body of heavy metals and toxins. Mercury, Fluoride and other toxins are assaulting our bodies every day. Without sufficient levels of magnesium in our bodies, our shields are down.
General nutrition is vital to good health, and magnesium is one of the foundational nutrients that our bodies need to perform well over 300 biochemical processes. As Codex Alimentarius and other tyrannical measures from the FDA crack down on supplements, everyone should take advantage of the availability of magnesium oil and other vital dietary supplements while we still can. Do yourself a favor and look into magnesium oil and transdermal magnesium therapy. I know from experience that it works.
There are a few sources of magnesium oil to choose from. I personally use Magnesoothe (featured in the video above). Another source is Ancient Minerals.