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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad interviewed by RT
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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad interviewed by RT


We have seen very important developments in our region and in North Africa. There are some very important things we must pay attention to. It is not only the people in the region but the entire global community is not satisfied with the current status in the world. The current situation in the world is not fair. There are class distinctions, there are pressures, there are conflicts, armed conflicts, and a large number of nations in the world are being humiliated all the time. Today justice and dignity are among the requirements of all human beings. All nations are seeking to gain justice and nations in our region and North Africa has the same aspirations; and I think that nations in North Africa and our region have the ability to run their own countries and they have the ability to reach their goals and objectives. It is important to take note of the interference of NATO in the region. NATO has interfered in the affairs of Libya. The Security Council has made a mistake. Instead of sending bombs and planes to Libya, they should have sent mediation groups in order to prepare for free elections under the auspices of the UN. And whoever won the elections would be acceptable for the people. But the Security Council hastily issued a resolution and it has complicated the situation that has led to the killings and the massacre of people and the destruction of infrastructure in the country.


To bad RT didn’t ask him about their flying saucer.


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