New Big Brother Satellite to “Hunt Down” Carbon Criminals - Creepy Video Shows The Future ’Plan’
The European Space Agency is set to green light a new surveillance satellite that will measure man-made carbon emissions from space in order to “hunt down” violators of international climate agreements, allowing Big Brother to enforce a future tax on CO2 emissions.
The Astrium press release announcing the project makes no mention of the fact that the satellite will be used to perform surveillance on individuals and businesses to keep tabs on their carbon footprint, instead presenting its role as merely measuring carbon emissions.
However, an interview with Astrium President Evert Dudok carried by a German climate alarmist website makes it clear that the technology will be used to spy on human activity from space and impose penalties for non-compliance with United Nations environmental treaties and regulations.
According to a translation by the prominent climate skeptic website No Tricks Zone, Dudok reveals that the primary function of the satellite will be to perform highly intrusive surveillance.
“The target is to hunt down environmental violators,” said Dudok, adding that the satellite will have the capability to detect methane as well as CO2, meaning farmers, whose activity is already policed by a network of spy satellites and drones, could face fines and taxes depending on the flatulence levels of their livestock.
Read the full article at:
Huge, Mysteriously Silent Satellite (Also by Astrium) Spotted by Another Spacecraft: April 20, 2012
A massive European satellite the size of a school bus that has mysteriously stopped communicating with Earth has been spotted by another satellite in orbit.
The giant Envisat satellite, which is the world’s largest imaging satellite for civilian use, was photographed in stunning detail by a French spacecraft that is also designed to snap high-resolution images of Earth, officials with the European Space Agency (ESA) said Friday (April 20).
The photo of Envisat in space reveals that the $2.9 billion spacecraft is intact and that its huge solar array is deployed. Envisat is a huge satellite that weighs about 17,600 pounds (8,000 kilograms). It is about 30 feet long (9 meters) and 16 feet wide (5 m), not counting the solar wing.
ESA satellite operators lost contact with the 10-year-old Envisat on April 8 and have been trying to revive the spacecraft ever since. As part of that rescue effort, ESA officials asked their international partners for aid in investigating the giant satellite’s malfunction, and the French space agency CNES volunteered time with its new Pleiades spacecraft.
The article was accompanied by this video, described as "the first step towards the ‘Planned-Opolis’ society imagined by climate alarmist group Forum for the Future as illustrated in the terrifying video below."
Video from:
It’s difficult to discern if the video is legitimately serious, or is a tongue-in-cheek warning or parody on the restrictive and frightening imaginings of ’new world order’ government groups and corporations.
The organization that produced the video seems to echo the stances found in the video in a serious manner.
But one questions the disturbed, negative feeling most people get while watching the video. If their intent is to ease these ideas into mainstream consciousness with positive reception, they’re failing!
"Turn off your brain and go to work!" - shoddy public relations writing, or cleverly informing the viewer that this awaits humans if we do not become aware?
Video from:
Word to the wise, Forum for the Future: If you don’t want to be associated with reptilians, don’t mention ’scales’ or ’agenda’ in your videos. ;p