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New Muslim Mayor of London Thanks Jews
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New Muslim Mayor of London Thanks Jews


There are so many Israeli-born Jews in London that newly-elected Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan’s campaign materials were printed in Hebrew, it has emerged.

The revelation demonstrates once again how Britain’s capital has been completely overrun by nonwhite invaders, as even “British” Jews would not require Hebrew-language literature.

The existence of the Hebrew campaign literature—posters and flyers—was revealed by the Labour Party’s winning candidate for the Greater London Assembly seat of Barnet and Camden on his Twitter feed.

Dismore—who claims not to be Jewish but who certainly looks it and has a long record of pro-Jewish activism—was one of those widely predicted by the controlled media to lose his seat following the controlled media hullabaloo over Ken Livingstone’s “Hitler-Zionist” comments because his area has one of the highest concentration of Jews in London.

An eve of election poll for the Jewish Chronicle claimed, for example, that support for Labour among British Jews had “plunged” to just 8.5 percent.

In the end, the Jews did not abandon the Labour Party in such massive numbers, and Dismore was re-elected by a large margin.

In his victory speech, Dismore thanked his Jewish voters for sticking by him and referred to Ken Livingstone as “vile,” and called for him to be kicked out of the Labour Party.

Livingstone, however, refused to back down and in a new interview broadcast on Sky television said that for “a lot of people, it’s a shock to discover there had been that relationship between a small section of the Jewish community in Germany and Adolf Hitler but it’s historically true.

“And the simple reality of all of that is we shouldn’t be ashamed about some of the mistakes our government has made in the past and I don’t think the people of Israel need to be ashamed of what happened 80 years ago.”

In a separate interview broadcast by Memri TV—the covert Israeli government propaganda “news service” set up by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israeli Defense Force’s intelligence unit—Livingstone branded the creation of Israel after World War II as “fundamentally wrong” and a “great catastrophe.”

“The creation of the state of Israel was fundamentally wrong, because there had been a Palestinian community there for 2,000 years,” Livingstone said in the Memri TV interview.

“The creation of the state of Israel was a great catastrophe. We should have absorbed the post-WWII Jewish refugees in Britain and America. They could all have been resettled, whereas 70 years later, the situation is still very tense, and there is potential for many more wars, potential for nuclear war.”

He added: “When Hitler won the elections in 1932 and came to power, his policy was not directed toward killing the Jews.

“He wanted to deport all the Zionists to Israel. If you look at the Arab world at the time, there were large Jewish communities that never suffered threats or attacks.

“They lived in peace alongside their Arab neighbors. But all of this was destroyed with the establishment of the state of Israel.”

As pointed out earlier, Livingstone’s comments are all factually accurate—and, if anything, understate the extent of the cooperation between the Nazi state and the World Zionist movement.


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