No whites allowed: Illinois HS Principal holds Blacks-only Assembly
The only thing missing were the “Colored Only, No Whites Allowed” signs of the past.
In a move that harkens back to the days of segregation in the Deep South -- only in reverse order -- Oak Park and River Forest High School in Oak Park, held a “Black Lives Matter” assembly last week, but banned anyone who was not African-American from attending.
White students who tried to attend were physically barred from entering the auditorium where the meeting was taking place.
Principal Nathaniel Rouse (photo above), who organized the event and is black, is not backing down from his decision to exclude other races, and does not feel that he was being “exclusive.” He argues that the black students would not have been able to express themselves with judgmental white people attending. “In order for us to move forward, I believe the affinity group is the safe way for us to move forward in a safe environment,” he explained.
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