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Norway Killer: Breivik? No. The Bogeyman
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Norway Killer: Breivik? No. The Bogeyman

By Henrik Palmgren |
The Associated Press has reported that "a Norwegian man who received terrorist training in Yemen is "operational" and is likely awaiting instructions to attack Western targets".

Beyond suggesting that this fearsome creature is in his 30s, is Norwegian, and has been trained by Al-Qaida, the anonymous ’officials’ and ’intelligence sources’ who have released this information are remaining quiet about the "terrorist’s" current whereabouts, his target, his mission, or even his name.

Let’s play ’Spot the Norwegian’. Photo:(ABC News)

But there is no end to the dire allegations:

...One of the officials said the man was believed to still be in Yemen, but said that he has no criminal record and would be able to move freely across borders. ...

..."Not even a parking ticket," the official said, according to the AP. "He’s completely clean and he can travel anywhere." ...

...Western intelligence officials have long feared such a scenario — a convert to Islam who is trained in terrorist methods and can blend in easily in Europe and the United States, traveling without visa restrictions. ...

..."We believe he is operational and he is probably about to get his target," one security official said. "And that target is probably in the West." ...

While the officials did not establish what preventative security steps might be taken in reaction to this new threat, nor detail what makes them believe this man is operational, they saw fit to release the vague details to a public that can do practically nothing in response to the threat.

What exactly is the desired result of such a press release?

Both the FBI and CIA have declined to comment on the story, as has Norway’s PST security service. If none of these entities have anything to say to the press, WHO released the story, and why? Who is leaking information that, at best, will challenge the "terrorist" be more cautious, and at worst, do nothing to affect the "terrorist" and only serve to make a fear-weary public even more anxious and willing to bend to new, overreaching security measures?

Could it be that this release like so many others, is simply more fear-mongering and propaganda meant to inflame tensions and sow fear and helplessness in good people?

Does this Norwegian terrorist even exist in reality, or is he merely a concept that someone wants the public to be aware of, and in fear of?
Certainly people will draw connections between this phantom menace and Norwegian killer Anders Behring Breivik.
Breivik, whose trial in Norway has just wrapped up, awaits a verdict in the massacre of 77 people in a bombing-and-shooting event on July 22, 2011 in Oslo and Utøya.

Is this right-wing, militant, nameless, faceless, Western terrorist the new official bogeyman now that Osama bin Laden’s ghost is officially exorcised, and Western leaders want to treat with Islamic governments without appearing to be hypocrites and traitors to their own causes of the past 15 years?

The warnings continue:

European security services, including in Norway, have warned in recent years of homegrown, radicalized Muslims traveling to terror training camps in conflict zones. Many of the known cases involve young men with family roots in Muslim countries.

But the latest case involves a man in his 30s with no immigrant background, the officials said. After converting to Islam in 2008, he quickly became radicalized and traveled to Yemen to receive terror training, one of the officials said. The man spent "some months" in Yemen and is still believed to be there, he said.

And yet:

"Yemeni military officials said they had information on Europeans training with al-Qaida in the southern part of the country but that they weren’t aware of a Norwegian being among them. "

Could it be that the release of this information is not a well-intentioned ’heads up’ to the public (so that if we "see something" we can "say something"), but instead is the establishment of a person, a body, a terrorist, who would then be suddenly "found" after a devastating attack?

Could this unnamed Norwegian be hovering in the background to be unmasked whenever there is blame to be attributed? In many instances in the past, researchers have suggested that this may be the case.
It can be demonstrated that these ’unknowns’ (often informants) are escourted by agents onto planes without passports, groomed by the agencies until needed, and harboured by authorities and shielded from local law enforcement until they’re required.

Until we’re given more concrete information that establishes a true threat, and not simply some terrible bed-time story for the terrified masses, we should take this for what it is - propaganda.

By Elizabeth Leafloor,

Source articles:

Anders Behring Breivik: Lone Nut Or Sane And Connected Militant?

Is the Spectre of the Lone Gunman A Figment, A Shadow?

Also tune into:

Brit Dee & Tom Secker - Hour 1 - The Anders Behring Breivik Case & Trial

Brit Dee & Tom Secker - Hour 2 - The Anders Behring Breivik Case & Trial

Peter Dale Scott - Hour 1 - Norway’s Massacre, Breivik & Deep Events

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde - The Norway Massacre, Anders Behring Breivik & Mind Control


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