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Parallel Presentations of Reality
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Parallel Presentations of Reality


Reality is a presentation of the cyclic nature of our (perceived) life. Reality is shouting out to us, directing us consciously and subconsciously with “clues” to the purpose of this profound journey we call existence. These clues are a subtle and gradual enlightenment to a process so far beyond our evolved human comprehension, that they must be presented in small increments in order for us to facilitate the profound evolutionary journey of our Soul.

Labels, explanations and definitions, although necessary in our Divine obligation of mutual guidance. They are many times, distractions to the ineffable concept of Soul, God and existence. Because of the sacred individuality of the Soul, there could never be a “default” explanation of who and where we are at any given moment.

Reality is our own unique perception based on the experiences we have gathered in our journey. These experiences have enlightened us to a process that is in synch with our human comprehension. The illusion of this 3 dimensional reality is a metaphorical presentation of our human existence.

This current reality as we perceive it is based on rhythms and cycles. This is what facilitates our ascension. This metaphysically perfected microcosm within the ever expanding macrocosm is constantly reminding us of the Divine significance of these cycles and rhythms.
There is a conclusion that we must draw upon from these presentations our reality has illustrated.

Our hearts beat to a rhythm. Since the beginning of man, we have shared delight in the beat of a drum. The algorithm of the Fibonacci Sequence is a revelation to the path of our ascension. The rhythmic pulse and cyclic actions are something to ponder as we instinctively adhere to all that possesses these “clues” to our Soul’s journey.
The seasons teach us the evolution of life, as the phases of the moon teach us the cycles of our humanness. As the living Earth is affected by the planetary aspects, humans are equally affected in similar ways. Lifetimes are the “seasons” of our Soul. Our biorhythms “wax and wane” with the revolutions of the heavenly bodies.

As we observe the Divine metamorphosis of the ever-changing Universe, we can understand the evolutionary unfolding of ourselves. This understanding will enable us to travel our path with greater ease, appreciation and insight into the magnitude of existence.
Pay attention.


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