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Robot baby has an expressive face only a programmer could love
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Robot baby has an expressive face only a programmer could love


A couple of years ago we gave you a look at the humanoid robot baby known as Diego-san, a disturbing mix of machine efficiency and cherubic cuteness. But back then we only had photos. Now video has emerged of the robot, and the effect is surprisingly realistic.

Developed by the University of California San Diego’s Machine Perception Lab, with funding from the National Science Foundation, the robot weighs 66 pounds and stands roughly 4 feet 3 inches tall. The lab created the robot to aid in its research and development of mechanical systems that can interact with humans using natural communication methods. These are clearly the first steps toward making practical humanoid robots a seamless part of human society, a dynamic that seems ever closer with each passing year, despite the science fictional undertones such a scenario presents.

Diego-san’s expressions are, simply put, astonishingly expressive. If this represents only the early stages of what is capable with humanoid robots in the way of facial expressions, then future human-to-robot interactions may turn out to be far more warm and emotive than any of us ever expected. You can see the Diego-san robot in action in the video below.

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