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Russell Brand’s Fantasy of a Socialist Egalitarian Utopia - Red Ice Commentary
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Russell Brand’s Fantasy of a Socialist Egalitarian Utopia - Red Ice Commentary

By Henrik Palmgren |

In a recent diatribe on BBC, Hollywood actor Russell Brand with Jeremy Paxman spoke candidly about his desire to create a “Socialist egalitarian system based on the massive redistribution of wealth and heavy taxation of corporations.” In this commentary we question Brand’s so called “good intentions” and how qualified he really is to talk about these topics as a multi-millionaire. More importantly, we discuss his connection to the Fabian Socialist magazine the “New Statesman,” of which he was co-editing for a week before his senseless speech and call for a revolution on TV.

Research links
In the Shadow of Hermes

The Soviet Story

Russell Brand Calls For “Massive Redistribution of Wealth”, “Socialist Egalitarianism”

Russell Brand interview with Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight

The Fabian Socialist Party

Fabian Society: Pay for Permission to Use the Earth

The Fabian Story - The London School of Economics & the New Statesman

US Tax Dollars at War: More Than 53% of US Tax Payment Goes to the Military

Eat the Rich!

Fabian G.B Shaw: "Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence?"

Michael Tsarion. Fabian Society, FreeMasonry

The Fabian Society, Communitarianism, and the New World Order

Introduction as to How a Voluntary Society Could Function

Thomas Sowell: Global Warming Manufactured by Intellectuals?

Thomas Sowell - Is "Income Stagnation" an Economic Myth?

Thomas Sowell - That Top 1%

Thomas Sowell On Occupy

Why Sweden is not the country you thought it was - Red Ice Commentary

Ed Miliband Speaks to the Fabians about Sweden

“Folkhemmet” – Sweden’s Fascism in slow motion

Perfect example of article selling America the Swedish nightmare

Red Ice Radio
Klaus Bernpaintner - Hour 1 - A Swedish Lesson in Conformity & Control

Walter Block - Hour 1 - Libertarian Philosophy & Anarcho-capitalism

Alex Newman - Sweden’s Big Government ’Utopia’ Unmasked

Christer Johansson - Abduction of Domenic Johansson by Swedish Social Services

Mikael Jalving - Hour 1 - Absolut Sweden: A Country Undergoing Change

Radio 3Fourteen
Peter Eric Hendrickson - Cracking the Code: The Truth About Taxation in America


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