Russell Brand to rewrite classic fairy tales for children ’to change how they see the world’

A signature trait of Fabian socialists and cultural marxists like Russell Brand is to rewrite not only history, but also old classics tales (like they do in A LOT in Hollywood these days). Not only to rewrite it to fit the modern PC narrative, but also to instill a "modern" cultural marxist moral twist to the stories they butcher. Since they can’t come up with anything new on their own, they will have to take something old and classic and destroy it.
The first story he will rewrite is "The Pied Piper Of Hamelin." An account of a kidnapping. The earliest references describe a piper, leading the children away from the town of Hamelin, never to return.
Brand’s choice to pick up the pied piper is significant since this is a signature trail of his own behavior when it comes to leading people down a dead end of socialism. In fact, we called him a pied piper in our commentary. Brand, to a certain degree, achieved this last year, by talking about new age spirituality, "change" and (some) conspiracy with some of the "celebrities" in the alternative media. The effort was to attract as many followers as possible and then lead them down the dead end, a "Socialist Egalitarian Utopia" (Yes, this is his own words. We need to clarify this since the critics (or is it just his supporters) have argued: "he didn’t say that" ...uhm yes he did! It’s on video, seen by millions of potential gullible new socialist recruits).
So now he’s at it again ...well he hasn’t really stopped, but now moving focus from the "alternative media crowd" to your children. "Get ’em while they are young Brand!"
Like the Frankfurt school driven marxist education that we in the western is getting, is not enough. Nope, it’s time to raise the temperature!
"Fairy stories are a code to change the way children see the world. Once children see the world differently change is inevitable," the actor and comedian said.
It was the economist and historian Sidney Webb that coined the phrase “the inevitability of gradualness” to describe the Fabian Society’s approach to socialism. Coincidence he’s using the same term?
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."Vladimir Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)
Just for you guys and gals that don’t remember: the "revolutionary" interview that Brand did with Paxman that started much of this fuss was done on behalf the left magazine, the New Statesman that he was guest-editor of at the time. It was his girlfriend (handler?) Jemima Kahn (Goldsmith/Rothschild dynasty), who is an associate editor of New Statesman, that brought him into the mix. They thought his celebrity status could be used, and it was a surprising amount of people that almost fell for it .. first.
The New Statesman was started by the nice eugenics and pro-soviet people from the Fabian Society, George Bernard Shaw and the Webbs’ in the United Kingdom. They believed that socialism (and ultimately communism) would be implemented through evolutionary means, as opposed to revolutionary. Today the Fabians have ties to the London School of Economics (start up money came from the same place) and the Labor party in the UK. The Fabians are all over the world, working hard to slowly turn up the heat of socialism and boil the frog.
We lay out the full details in the YouTube video linked below in an interview with Thomas Sheridan and the additional commentary.
When you know about the ideology of Fabian society member John Maynard Keynes who co-founded the World Bank with Harry Dexter White (a spy for the Soviet Union), it becomes clear that many have been working hard for many years to destroy the financial system in order to gain support for it’s reformation ...towards socialism.
Most prominent members of the Fabian Society are multi-millionaires. Not that I have a problem with people making money (a lot or not), but there is a reason why so many mega wealthy industrialists and politicians are for socialism. It creates a class system where people have no economic mobility, it creates an elite of political administrators and a permanent underclass. An "equal" underclass. Doesn’t matter how much or how hard you work, it’s all "equalized" when the government is done with you. It’s in fact a punishment of those who try to attain something more. Drive and achievement is looked down upon. This has been the effect in the Scandinavia countries, as those awake living there can attest to. I’m not talking about looking at the numbers that the governments in the Nordic countries provide to the international statistical agencies but what the ACTUAL living experience is. We’ve talked about this in our Sweden/Nordic Model radio show series.
This is too contradictory and simply too much for most people to wrap their heads around however. They can’t see the glaring contradictions of the system and what the politicians promise us that it will bring.
It’s all about one thing: control! Nothing else. Forget the lingo, the nice appeal to "the poor" and everything else. It’s about controlling Money, controlling people and controlling a massive government system that is set to regulate all of this and YOU included. Since when did the political class EVER have your best interest at heart?
When will people learn?
Below is the story from the Daily Mail:
That’s turn up for the Booky Wooks! Comic Russell Brand to rewrite classic fairy tales for children ’to change how they see the world’
By Jessica Earnshaw | Mail Online
Russell Brand will undoubtedly have to tone down his lewd stand-up persona when he turns his hand to writing children’s books.
The comedian announced that he will be reinterpreting classic fairy tales in a series of three books this week, to change how young people ’see the world’.
Trickster Tales will be illustrated by the award-winning artist Chris Riddell, and will begin with the actor’s take on The Pied Piper Of Hamelin.

Change of direction: Russell Brand announced that he will be reinterpreting classic fairy tales for children this week, to change how young people ’see the world’
He said: ’It’s the first of a series called Russell Brand’s Trickster Tales, where I do interpretations of fairy stories and folk tales, believing them to be the code to unlock aspects of our consciousness.’
Brand, who has previously called for an anti-capitalist revolution, is arguably far from an obvious choice of writer to pen a children’s book.
However publisher Jamie Byng said: ’The pairing of Russell and Chris is a match made in heaven and their series of illustrated retellings has the potential to become a worldwide phenomenon.’

Toning it down: Trickster Tales will be illustrated by the award-winning artist Chris Riddell, and will begin with the actor’s take on The Pied Piper Of Hamelin

Folk talkes: Brand is arguably far from an obvious choice of writer to pen a children’s book, however publisher Jamie Byng said: ’The pairing of Russell and Chris is a match made in heaven’
The star, who used to be married to popstar Katy Perry, said in a statement: ’Fairy stories are a code to change the way children see the world. Once children see the world differently change is inevitable.’
The former drug addict and Get Him To The Greek star released his autobiography My Booky Wook in 2007, with the second installment coming out three years later.
He is not the first comic to write children’s books - David Walliams has enjoyed success with the likes of Mr Stink and Gangsta Granny, which was adapted into a comedy drama for BBC1.

Aspirations: The star, pictured on a shoot for Disney, said: ’Once children see the world differently change is inevitable’
The first of Brand’s children’s books, published by Canongate, will be released in November with the next two books following in 2015 and 2016.
The former Big Brother’s Big Mouth host could also ask his current girlfriend Jemima Khan, who he started dating last year, for advice.
After working for a string of publications including Vanity Fair and the Sunday Telegraph, the 40-year-old is more than qualified to offer some help.

Helping hand: The former Big Brother’s Big Mouth host could also ask his journalist girlfriend Jemima Khan, who he started dating last year, for advice
Article from:
Thomas Sheridan - Hour 1 & 2 - The “Brand” New Purple Pill
Russell Brand’s Fantasy of a Socialist Egalitarian Utopia - Red Ice Commentary