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Russian Mother of Two, 24, Brainwashed into Joining ISIS, Arrested at Turkish Border
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Russian Mother of Two, 24, Brainwashed into Joining ISIS, Arrested at Turkish Border

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Svetlana Ukhanova, 24, was held at the Turkish border with Syria after an alert from her worried family. 

She tried to cross the border using forged passports with her children Liza, six, and Amina, 18 months, plus boyfriend Evgeny Kochaari. 

Posts on social media about her "dreams" several years ago included "London, autumn, romance, hotels, fireplace, wine, pictures and soft beds".

She longed to go "for the weekend" to Cannes and the French Riviera.

Friend Anna said "serious changes" suddenly overcame her after she became "brainwashed" by radical Islam. 

"Always surrounded by friends, she suddenly blocked all contacts, stopped communicating, divorced her husband, and began wearing a Muslim scarf," she said. 

Her former mother-in-law Tatiana Ukhanova said she was had been a "perfect" wife and mother but things dramatically changed, and she posted images of guns on her social media

Her ex-husband Sergey and his parents are seeking to have Liza extradited to Russia amid fears that Svetlana is refusing to give up her attempt to reach ISIS, putting the child's life in grave danger.

The FSB security service, once headed by Vladimir Putin, is investigating her alleged online recruitment by terrorists, reported Komsomolskaya Pravda. 

Her sister Antonina is also alleged to have taken up radical Islam.

Before seeking to cross into Syria, Svetlana, from the town of Marx in Saratov region, sent a message to her ex-husband saying: "Don't look for us."

Sergey immediately flew to Turkey, followed by his parents, in a bid to find her. 

Their efforts led to her being detained at the border. 

"She gave birth to Liza when she was 18," said her ex-father-in-law Valery. 

"Two years later, she suddenly got interested in radical Islam. 

"Of course, we tried to influence her, appealing to her as a mother. 

"We took her to psychologists, and did our best to bring her back to normal life but there was no result."

Then the couple divorced. 

She dressed her daughter Liza in Muslim clothes and refused to allow her to be baptised in the Orthodox church. 

Her new boyfriend - father of her second child - was swayed towards radical Islam by Svetlana, say Russian reports. 

The woman is now seeking to be deported by Turkey to Azerbaijan, amid fears she will make a new attempt to reach ISIS in Syria. 

Russian officials are calling on the Turks to at least release Liza to her father's custody. 









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