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Still Naked in the Garden
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Still Naked in the Garden

The shattering understanding that occurs with the openness of meditation is something that is still very new to western minds. For some reason the mystical has been condemned. It is an echo of the belief’s held by the puritanical settlers that first bumbled their way upon New England's shores. "Witchcraft! Heresy! Something to be feared!" they shouted. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the harmful byproduct of the Christian indoctrination that many still subject themselves to every Sunday. It excludes much from the potential experience of the adherent. Many become uptight and out of touch with heart or soul. Bound by rules, morality, and judgment they build up tension and then wonder why they later break down. It also surprises them when people start fleeing their ‘Jesus Saves!’ mentality.

The strange thing about it is, that this Jesus fellow, whoever he happened to be, was most likely very tuned into the mystical. He spoke the language of the day to the people around him. Of course it is good to remember that the stories we hear from him weren’t written down until long after the events supposedly transpired. Tales of sages regularly get mixed up with older legends from other traditions. Blown up and dramatized, they become archetypal representations of aspects of the human condition. Discovering an individual link to the Universe, the flow of Life suddenly makes clear what the search was all about. Jesus directly perceived the same thing the Yogis of the East describe and something any being can become aware of and know first hand. Sink in a little deeper and you will see that all you thought was solid was simply the surface.

Jesus was taught about Past Lives, Chakras and Auras. His light emanated to all of those around him. 'Drink of me,' he said and you can absorb his energy even to this day. The masters never disappear. Bask in the glow of one who is enlightened. Unified with Source they speak as Existence itself. This is the secret of the Oracle at Delphi. The body becomes a vehicle for transmitting truth vibrations. It is a great evolutionary success that can be juxtaposed with the despair of many souls lost along the way. Consciousness is a very sacred gift. Strip away that which is superimposed. Layers and layers of identification have to be highlighted and released. It is the most amazing experience to see the world with clean eyes; to be brand new underneath the sun actually feeling the moment. What a joy to be able to tell someone unashamedly that you love them and that you wish for peace so that others might share in what you have come to cherish.

The Earth is singing a beautiful song. If you listen closely you see that all of nature is a symphony. Every day is a miracle. People only doubt God’s existence because they cannot see the obvious. Constantly referencing acquired knowledge they conclude that they know what is going on and miss the wonder of the now. Familiarization with an object causes it to lose its luster for them. One who practices mindfulness rarely gets brought into such dullness. Reflecting life as it is free of interpretations and the logging away of events in the storehouse of the mind, they have bright eyes which display a good natured sense of humor. It is really very funny when you see the reality of our situation. We paint so many elaborate pictures and involve each other in such serious situations but really we are still naked in the garden.

~Christopher Moors

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