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Summary of the Coordinated Sexual Assaults by Immigrants Against Europeans on N.Y.E.
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Summary of the Coordinated Sexual Assaults by Immigrants Against Europeans on N.Y.E.


The heart wrenching events that occurred in Cologne on New Years 2015/2016 has made it into most people’s conscious awareness if they live in a Western country. However, I can tell from the way these unforgivable crimes were covered in many mainstream news sources, as well as from people’s comments on social media, that most are probably unaware of many details and the magnitude of how serious and widespread this was.

There’s been some fantastic coverage by a select few larger alternative news outlets such as Breitbart (who first broke the story in English and continued to post in depth updates), but many news sources have seemed to be deliberately vague, which made researching this article to get accurate numbers more time consuming than you might think. Yes, most big outlets eventually ended up covering the events in a fairly minimal way because of how much the stories spread online, but we haven’t seen this story treated as an act of terrorism, which is what it was.

What is most alarming, next to the horrendous lecherous acts themselves, is that many of them appear to have been coordinated beforehand via text messaging and online forums by these criminal untermenschen so they could hunt down women who were tired and likely drunk at the end of their New Year’s night. There’s even a term used for this group “activity” in Islamic culture of intentionally seeking out vulnerable women who can be sexually assaulted, or even gang raped called “Taharrush”.

While it’s not a religious doctrine, it is obviously something Muslims don’t see as conflicting with their religious views and it’s been instilled in countless numbers of these grown men who’ve made up the vast majority of the “refugees” flooding into the West en masse.

To bring awareness to how many women and in how many cities across Europe these attacks occurred, I’ve compiled a well referenced list below. For the full stories and details of some of these heinous acts please follow the links. The list is divided by country, and by individual cities within each country. They are ordered from where the most number of attacks occurred to the least amount. I believe it’s very likely that the total number of attacks could easily be double what’s been reported so far, and possibly other countries experienced some of these attacks but the police or media may have suppressed them, if not then the victims themselves are so ashamed and distraught that they have been unable to come forward yet.


Cologne: The attacks here were so large, it was thankfully inevitable for it to become a major topic of discussion online. Over 2000 clearly Middle-Eastern and North African men in a mob caused more than 653 criminal complaints (with more still coming in), about half of which were sexual assaults. Some of these sexual assaults were groping on top of the clothes, some were molestation under the clothes, some were fingers penetrating the women in any orifice, and the most horrific, although thankfully least common were the gang rapes. One woman had a firework placed in the hood of her sweater which she managed to get out before it went off, but it was lit and caused severe burns to her neck and shoulder that will leave permanent scarring.

Hamburg: On a downtown street known for its clubs and nightlife 53 women were assaulted and/or robbed by swarms of immigrants, and 39 of those were sexual assaults. Around the city another 6 women were sexually assaulted and robbed individually by gangs of 5-15 North African men.

Düsseldorf: 11 women were sexually assaulted by North African men.

Berlin: Around the city a total of 9 women were sexually assaulted by immigrant men, some attackers were recent refugees living in camps just outside the city.


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