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The Clinton Chronicles (Video)
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The Clinton Chronicles (Video)


Discover teh story behind Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Mena Arkansas cocaine smuggling operation they ran, while Bill was govenor, prior to the presidency.

Bill Clinton: His Life (Video)

This documentary, Bill Clinton: His Life, came out in 2004, right about the same time as the autobiography, Bill Clinton: My Life. It takes a good, hard look at the dirty dealings of both Bill and Hillary Clinton but, for some reason, never achieved the popularity of Michael Moore’s fantasy film, Fahrenheit 911. This movie has been thoroughly suppressed by our left-wing media to the point that it’s not listed on IMDb, nor can you find anything about it through a Google search. That will change now that it’s been made available on Google Videos. Watch and learn how the Clintons turned the White House into a headquarters for organized crime, communist spying and murder, all while the Clinton-friendly media kept the public distracted by focusing on a few of Slick Willy’s petty sexual encounters.

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Hillary! Uncensored

Hillary!Uncensored, the 1 hour documentary using exclusive home videos of the Clintons made by Peter Paul- the man Bill Clinton illegally ... all » solicited to become Hillary's largest donor-to expose the Illegalities that won Hillary Clinton's Senate Election & the Obstructions of Justice That Keep Her There-. Get the DVD online at or see it online pay per view at The film exposes Hillary Clinton's illegalities in winning her seat in the US Senate and keeping it through corrupting the Dept of Justice Chief of Public Integrity and the FEC itself. (See all the evidence on the public record at The biggest political scandal since Watergate is NOW exposed to the public for the first time breaking the media blockade by the mainstream media to protect Hillary Clinton and the leadership of the democratic party that conspired with her.

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