The Entertainment Division of the Military-Industrial Complex
The Entertainment Division of the Military-Industrial ComplexIt was Frank Zappa who said that “Government is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex”. But he didn’t just mean the elected politicians. He meant the whole shadowy apparatus that governs our thinking and which is building to a screaming pitch in 2012 to support the “beyond black” alien agenda at the heart of Western governments.
The seeds of the present conflagration of misinformation and disinformation on the military-owned internet were sown at the beginning of the 20th century by a cabal of occultists, intelligence agents, psychologists, space agency operatives and the CIA.
And a new movie, due out in the autumn and starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams and Joaquin Phoenix, will raise further questions about those relationships … although it probably won’t answer them.
The Master Therion
According to the PR blurb, it’s “ …a 1950s-set drama centered on the relationship between a charismatic intellectual known as ‘the Master’ whose faith-based organisation begins to catch on in America, and a young drifter who becomes his right-hand man.”
Jack Parsons. Wikipedia |
The influence of Scientologists in Hollywood will ensure, no doubt, that any awkwardness is glossed over. Already one of the film’s producers, JoAnne Sellar, is poo-pooing any connection to Hubbard or Scientology.
“It’s a World War II drama. It’s about a drifter after World War II,” she insists.
Hmmmm …
And it almost certainly won’t name The Master Therion who was the main influence on Parsons, even though the movie is scheduled for release on the day named after him: Crowleymass or October 12th, the day in 1875 on which Aleister Crowley was born.
Video from:
So how does Aleister Crowley fit into this Sixties scene?
He was, in fact, the most influential fertiliser of this fetid seedbed. He was present, and had influence, at so many of the events that formed the ‘New Age movement’, itself a term invented by Scottish Freemasonry, that it’s clear that he was one of those recruited by the beyond top secret echelons to change how we think and which continues in the same way today through Freemasonry,which still dominates the highest level public appointments.
Aleister Crowley. Wikipedia
Scottish Rite
There are those that point to the incredibly wide range of exploits and experiences in Crowley’s life as proof that he was some kind of a demi-god. Others regard him as a depraved debauch and a drug addict who gloried in the basest kind of black magic and pornography. Yet this son of a roaming preacher man also appeared to have a blank cheque book to fund him to “Do as thou wilt (shall be the whole of the law” ~ Crowley’s dictum.) This enabled him to travel the world ~ to Arab countries, India and China in particular ~ and to immerse himself in the study of Eastern religion and yoga.
An occultist living in Scotland on the shores of Loch Ness as Crowley did ~ in some comfort, it might be added ~ he would not have been able to carry out his workings freely without tipping his hat, at least, to the Scottish Rite laddies across the glen.
He does claim, in his autobiography, to have been a 33◦ member of 3° of the Scottish Rite in Mexico from Don Jesus Medina.
It may be anecdotal, but the story goes that Crowley had his own desk at the War Office during World War 2 and was a reputed double agent. It’s also thought that Crowley taught Churchill to use the two-fingered ‘victory’ salute because it was an ancient Egyptian occult symbol and had powerful, subconscious resonance. You might even say that he could be a good deal responsible for how we view Winston Churchill today. Somebody certainly put the glamour around a war leader who during the previous world war, had made some cataclysmic and fatal decisions leading to high British body counts.
The Epopt of the Illuminati
He was a great friend of many high ranking Nazis, through the German Thule occult lodges, such as Erich Ludendorff, who believed that “peace was merely an interval between wars.” He was also an influence in the life of JFC Fuller, the military theorist who inspired the Nazis.
I think there’s a good case to be made that Crowley resurrected the spectre of the Illuminati from its early grave. A present day enchanter of the masses, Benjamin Fulford, recently introduced us to Alexander Romanov of the “new Illuminati” ~ the “nice Illuminati” he hastened to add, probably already knowing that there is no ‘horrible Illuminati’ other than the one we’ve been brainwashed about in purely fictional novels from the likes of Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson and Dan Brown along with various anonymous so-called whistle-blowers, who took their cue from Crowley.
The original Bavarian brotherhood of the Illuminati, founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, had been in existence for only a decade before it was banned. More than a century later, Crowley helped to mythologize it back into existence, in people’s heads anyway. He referred to himself as the Beast, the Epopt of the Illuminati and to his work as ‘scientific illuminism’.
So this is how it all happened. Crowley had links, through his lodges, to science fiction writers, intellectuals, psychologists, space program operatives and charismatics all in the employ of the CIA, like L Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, Timothy Leary, Charles Manson, and the Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver.
Tune in, turn on, drop out
It seems as if Crowley practically invented the New Age movement, which can be characterised by its birth in the Sixties through the use of psychedelics, and has gone on to embrace channelling, UFOs, witchcraft and paganism, all instigated by Crowley and his cronies and all now underpinning the alien agenda of the New World Order.
Paul Weston says in his brilliant and much recommended “Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus”:
“Crowley was the first person of any note in the West to systematically experiment with a full range of consciousness expanding drugs, i.e. cannabis, mescaline, ether, cocaine and heroin. For better or for worse, the psychedelic revolution of the Sixties was inspired by him more than anyone else….
“A case can be made for Crowley’s influence in the mid 20th century rebirth of witchcraft that has proved to be a crucial aspect of the ever expanding general pagan revival.
“One of the most distinct oddities of the years since the Second World War has been the UFO phenomenon and the culture that has arisen around it. Here again, remarkably enough, his presence can be discerned.
“His influence can be seen in the life of the military theorist who inspired the Nazis [Fuller], a rocket scientist who had a moon crater named after him [Parsons], the founder of the most controversial and powerful recent new religion [L Ron Hubbard] and the psychedelic psychologist who turned on the Sixties flower children. [Leary]."
Babalon Working
L Ron Hubbard. Source |
The long and short of it was that Crowley got access to US government, space programme and military scientists through Jack Parsons, who set up a US branch of Crowley’s occult order called Ordo Templi Orientis, and L Ron claimed only to be there to break it up.
The huge rambling old house Parsons used for their rites, at 100 Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, housed nuclear physicists working at Cal Tech. This included 64 scientists who, after the cult was broken up, were deemed to be no longer fit for service and were dismissed.
L Ron Hubbard went on to invent Dianetics, a mind control technique key to Scientology practices, to which Charlie Manson confessed to practice in police interviews after he and his cult killed Sharon Tate and the LaBiancas. There is a huge list of Hollywood celebrities today that are Scientologists.
Fletcher Prouty is a former military man and author of books about connections between the CIA and conspiracies like the assassination of JFK (he’s played by Donald Sutherland as X in the Oliver Stone movie). He writes:
“Almost all of Hubbard’s military record is replete with markings that signify deep intelligence service at the highest levels. Many of his records, copies of official records, revealed that even the originals had been fabricated in the manner peculiar to the intelligence community in a process that we call “Sheep Dip”. I myself have supervised a lot of that function in the offices I managed during 1955-1964.”
Prouty was generally quite positive about L Ron Hubbard and defended him from most of the flack which, L Ron claims, has been unfairly directed at him by ‘a global cabal of big pharma psychiatrists’.
However, even Prouty admits that L Ron was very familiar with the dark mind control direction that the newly formed Nazi-infiltrated CIA was taking that would lead to MKULTRA and that a lot of the source material they would abuse is there in the background of his own research.
Bread and circuses
It’s not so much that this raggle-taggle group influenced the shape of this Age through occult or magic as I don’t believe these guys were, or are, capable of it. They have no spirits to work with them and their Freemasonic lodges are not ’contacted’ lodges, which is what that means. They are stuck with merely empty rituals, and so that is what they got good at. It is now more their theatre and enchantment that has mesmerized us into submission after they were given the world stage to put on their dramatic productions on behalf of the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex. Bread and circuses. It’s worked perfectly since Roman times.
Nowadays, the circuses have been replaced by junk tv programming like Big Brother and Dancing With the Stars, and Hollywood movies and computer games about invasions from space and vampires. It also applies to the seemingly endless torrent of YouTube videos on the military-owned internet, and so-called channelled information purporting to be from the Pleiadians and the Sirians telling people who are barely literate, let alone competent to think for themselves, that “we’re coming my dears, soon…we’re coming.”
So the New Age movement to underpin the alien agenda of the New World Order was planned by Crowley and his cronies four decades, at least, before it flowered in San Francisco.
How do we know this?
In 1904, Crowley purportedly channelled a load of material from his Holy Guardian Angel, Aiwas, which ended up as his The Book of the Law. Crowley fans point to this work as confirmation of their hero’s skills in prophecy.
The three chapters of The Book of the Law appear to predict the Nazi era, the psychedelic Sixties, and the growing fascination and return to pagan practices, goddess cults and ancient Egyptian Hermeticism. However, it’s not much of a prophecy if what you’re purporting to channel you were actually instrumental, later on, in creating.
So…what a long weird trip it’s been…being a love child of Crowley’s Aeon.
No wonder the Beatles included Crowley on that album cover, as one of the most influential movers and shakers of the 20th century. I would also call him the orchestrator, the stage manager and the director of the show.
It’s Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
We hope you have enjoyed the show.
I think I can hear the sound of one hand clapping.
©Ishtar Babilu Dingir
Former Sunday Times journalist and now a shaman, healer and writer, Ishtar Babilu Dingir is the creator of ISHTAR’S GATE and the HANGING GARDENS OF BABYLON.
She is also the author of LORD OF THE DANCE, a book about life in India with the late Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Alien Agenda Inside the Beltway by Preston James PhD
Aleister Crowley and the Aeon of Horus by Paul Weston
What Channelling Really Is on Project Camelot
How Psy-Ops is Trashing the Garden of Good and Evil by Ishtar Babilu Dingir
The Second Coming Has Been Delayed Due to Technical Difficulties by Ishtar Babilu Dingir
The Anunnaki and the Fear of the Bogey-man by Ishtar Babilu Dingir
Image: Beatles: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, EMI Records, Ltd. Wikipedia content policy and fair use.