The EU Thieves' Cartel says: "Pay Up Or Burn In Hell" - Godfrey Bloom lambasts Tax harmonization
“Taxation as a concept hasn’t really changed very much in the last 3000 years. The rich and the powerful are stealing money from ordinary people to make their own lives more comfortable. Where there has been a change in modern times is that taxation is for the benefit of the taxed. That somehow we are being taxed “pro bono”. In order to perpetrate this myth, we invent periodic scares to frighten people into submission. The latest of these scares is of course that if we don't cough up green taxes we will all boil to death. Reminiscent of the medieval religions, which played the same game, pay up or burn in hell. Tax harmonization is a concept dreamed up by the modern political class to make sure that no government steals too little from it's people …it’s a thief’s cartel”.
European Parliament, Strasbourg - 08.02.2010 Speaker: Godfrey Bloom MEP, UKIP, EFD group talks about the Administrative cooperation in the field of taxation.
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