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The Fermi Solution
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The Fermi Solution

In 1950 Enrico Fermi, then a prominent physicist, put forth a paper that soon became known as the Fermi Paradox. The main thrust of his argument was simple: since all the available astronomical data suggested there was a very high probability that advanced civilizations existed out there, why then had none colonized or contacted the earth?

Astrophysicists, astronomers and other interested scientists have tripped over this seeming paradox for decades. However, the author is going to make the case that Fermi included a critical error that skewed his formula to come up with a false conclusion. Here is a list of the premises he used:

• The sun is a young star. There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are billions of years older;
•If the Earth is typical, some of these stars likely have planets with intelligent life;
•Presumably some of these civilizations will develop interstellar travel, as Earth seems likely to do;
•At any practical pace of interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in just a few tens of millions of years.
•The observable universe is currently believed to have at least 80 billion galaxies.

After laying down those facts and logical assumptions Fermi went on to ask: Where are they? According to his model -- based upon unquestioned acceptance of the theories expounded by orthodox historians, anthropologists and archaeologists -- there was no evidence that any extraterrestrial civilzatiion had made contact with the inhabitants of earth.

In fact, the Fermi Paradox is a conflict between an argument of scale and probability and an apparent (alleged) lack of evidence.
The obvious flaw in the paradox is that Fermi failed to question the central dogma of orthodox historians. Apparently he did not understand that these academics had avoided or tried to explain away the hard questions posed by such anomalous evidence as the Great Pyramid.

How could the earth’s first civilization build a precision-engineered, 48-storey, stone structure weighing 6- million tons using primitive tools and methods?
The question was never adequately addressed then and still has not been rigorously explained to this day. The author submits that there is ample evidence that the earth has been both colonized and its inhabitants have had contact with an advanced, extraterrestrial civilization. That evidence is popularly referred to as "history’s mysteries".

In fact, the Fermi paradox collapses since one of its central tenets fails to pass the due diligence test.

If the proposed advanced extraterrestrial civilization had not intervened in the evolution of life on earth and the creation of civilization- no mysteries would exist. The Great Pyramid would now currently be under construction since the necessary laser surveying equipment needed to precisely level the (13 acre) base exists. However, that technology did not exist 4,500 years ago.

Strangely, the very scientists that claim to want to discover intelligent life in the universe do not seem to be aware of the forgoing issues. The fact that the base of the Great Pyramid was so accurately leveled that it duplicates the accuracy achieved using modern laser levels seems to have escaped them.
Do our current crop of highly trained, very well-educated scientists really believe that the ancient Egyptians could build the pyramid without the wheel using only stonehammers and wooden sleds? The improbability of that scenario, which Egyptologists certainly do adhere to, borders on the absurd. That seems unlikely.
A more probable scenario is that ’hard’ scientists simply pay no attention to the fields of history and archaeology but assume, as Fermi did, that their academic colleagues in the ’soft’ sciences (arts) have it covered.

The largest obelisk in Egypt weighs an estimated 450 tons. The first crane built that could achieve a lift of that capacity was constructed to hoist the Space Shuttle. But we are supposed to believe that the ancient Egyptians could achieve a feat only recently accomplished with heavy equipment using manpower, ropes and wooden levers.

Fermi should have taken the time to investigate the archaeological and cultural records, around the world, before making categorical assertions about the lack of evidence. Among the earth’s earliest civilizations none claim to have invented the knowledge that went into crop agriculture, river diversion, complex canal systems; nor did they claim to have built the massive structures i.e., pyramids in Egypt; ziggurauts and Sumeria.

It is not a matter of a few isolated artifacts suggesting extraterrestrial intervention may be plausible, there is a massive body of it. This includes everything from the sexigesimal (base 60) numeric system --still used to keep time - that civilization has not improved upon for the past 4,000 years, credited to ancient Sumeria. It includes the Great Pyramid, which our current civilization might yet not be able duplicate after 5,000 years of continuous technological development.
The author would urge -- as the late astronomer Carly Sagan did -- the scientific community to launch an impartial, independently funded, serious and rigorous, full-blown investigation into the cultural and archaeological data that suggests contact and extraterrestrial involvement.

Fermi failed to do so and his paradox is thus fatally flawed.

Now, there is a similar formula that arrives at the same conclusion using a slightly different course of reasoning. It has been known as the Drake Equation for decades. It forms the second stumbling block that scientists investigating the possibility of extraterrestrial life get hung up on. Dr. Drake concurred with Fermi about the high probability that advanced civilizations existed elsewhere in the cosmos.

However, he argued that the civilizations out there collapse too quickly to explore interstellar space and colonize planets like earth. The Drake Equation is not as easy to dispose of as the Fermi Paradox at least at first glance. It does seem likely that most extraterrestrial civilizations would expire quickly, as they have done on earth (and ours is likely to do) before exiting their solar systems.

Why? Our current global civilization is based upon electromagnetism. It has only been in the past few years that astrophysicists and solar scientists have realized that there is a dangerous fly-in-the-ointment embedded in the power grid and electromagnetic technologies. A single, massive solar storm could completely disrupt and probably destroy civilization as we now know it.

Drake did not make this specific point he arrived at his conclusions using analysis of other data. However, his central point was well taken. Survival is always a serious and uncertain business and there are never any guarantees; especially when civilizations proceed upon the electromagnetic/ nuclear pathway ours has taken.
Nonetheless, even if we allow the fact that most civilzations die out rather quickly, that does not mean that all of them do. What it does imply is that those that took, or are taking, our course of technological development did not and will not last very long. Massive solar storms can occur anytime and most assuredly do over the course of centuries. The last major one slammed into the earth in 1859, prior to the advent of AC power generation.

This suggests that the civilizations that do survive over the long haul either never pursue our type of power consumption or they shift from it to another rather quickly. We would assume not long after they became aware of its inherent dangers.

Drake’s Equation cannot be ignored because it sets limits which do explain why extraterrestrial life is not as prevalent as many would like to believe. Since it is highly probable that no civilization pursuing an electromagnetically-based technology would ever get beyond its own solar system.our astronomers in the SETI project are waiting for types of signals we generate, in vain.

Any civilization capable of spanning the vast distances of interstellar space would necessarily have had a long period of time to evolve. Over that time they would have either have 1) skirted around basing their civilization on the development of electromagnetic technology and/or 2) developed an entirely unknown type of technology.

As the author posits in his hypothesis, "The Genesis Race", the advanced civilization has a technology that is invisible to us as exhibited by the Great Pyramid. Whatever evidence (they) have left behind concerning their involvement in life on earth is camouflaged largely because we do not know what we are looking at or for.

Drake also failed to examine the historical and archaeological records apparently under the same assumptions that led Fermi to his erroneous conclusions. Given his rather pessimistic view of the short duration of most extraterrestrial civilizations, the author asserts that even if that is entirely true, it does not matter.
In the most conservative models at least one high-order civilization evolves per galaxy. In most models the estimate ranges from 350 to 35,000. However, we do not need a crowded galaxy to produce a ’Genesis Race’ type civilization. We only need one Type 2 or Type 3 to have evolved in the entire Milky Way composed of about 100 billion stars and nearly a trillion planets.

We will take an ultra conservative position and accept the lowest number, one.

The Kardeshev Scale
The sun is classified as an average star, which makes the earth an average planet. Today we would be hard pressed to find any scientist, in any field, that would admit to embracing the theory of the absolute exceptionalism of the earth.
Estimates of earth-like planets existent in the Milky Way range from 1 to 30 billion. To assume that planet earth is the only one that contains intelligent life is about as regressive as believing that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it.
That said, it is time to move on to a more sophisticated view of the cosmos. The Kardeshev Scale is a system of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement, based on the amount of usable energy a civilization has at its disposal.

As our own civilization, for example, has progressed technologically it has consumed more and more energy. That is occurring every day and will continue to occur into the future as more and more nations become fully industrialized.
The scale has three designated categories: Type I, II, and III. A Type I civilization has all the available energy impinging on its home planet; Type II has harnessed all of the available solar energy, and Type III all of its galaxy-wide energy. Of course the scale is only theoretical; and in terms of an actual civilization highly speculative; nonetheless, it puts energy consumption of an entire civilization in a cosmic perspective.

As we are already facing energy shortages and shifting to renewable technologies, we are also simultaneously facing an overheating planet caused by our increasing carbon emissions. Moreover the pressure of an ever increasing population is causing loss of habitat, extinction of species, and accelerated changes to the biosphere in general. Clearly, there is no easy path to the continual advancement of a global, technological civilization.

According to the Kardashev Scale our current civilization has not yet reached the Type 1 stage. Astrophysicist Michio Kaku has suggested that we may attain Type I status in about 100–200 years; Type II status in a few thousand years; and Type III status in about 100,000 to one million years.
(As noted previously, it is unlikely that we can reach those levels using electromagnetically based technologies.
There are those that consider any ’gods from space’ theory to be little more than science fiction. The author begs to differ. In recent years the seriousness of the discussion, of how life started on earth, has deepened and heretofore little considered scientific hypotheses have been gaining acceptance.

The notion that life originated elsewhere in the universe - and later arrived on earth - is not the stuff of any science fiction writer’s imagination. Today it is a solid scientific theory that explains how life began on this planet.

The first documented mention of the idea appears in the writings of the 5th century BC Greek philosopher Anaxagoras. He called his thesis, panspermia, a Greek term, that means ’seeds everywhere’.

Several millenia later, on April 9, 1864, French chemist Louis Pasteur reported his experiment disproving spontaneous generation as it was then held to occur. This was a devastating blow to Darwin’s theory (as it was used to explain the origin of life on earth) which held that life began as a direct result of spontaneous generation.
To this day many people still believe that Darwinism can be used to explain how life originated on earth. That is simply untrue. It can only be used to show how it adapted and evolved once it got started.

In the 1870s, British physicist Lord Kelvin and German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz reinforced Pasteur’s findings and argued that life might have originated in space and been transported to earth. Next, in the first decade of the 1900s, Swedish chemist and Nobel laureate, Svante Arrhenius theorized that bacterial spores -- propelled through space by light pressure -- was the mechanism that seeded life on Earth.

In his day the concept was pure scientific speculation because it had not been proven that life forms could survive the extreme conditions of interstellar space. In fact, most scientists at the time were not convinced that it could.. However, science has since shown that such life forms called extremophiles, do indeed exist.

More recently astronomers, the late Sir Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickenshrame came to the conclusion that life arrived on earth via microbes from outer space. The pair were conducting investigations aimed at identifying the contents of interstellar dust by trying to find something that would match its infrared signature.
After exhausting every established lead, they finally turned to bacteria and found the match they had been searching for. They declared their findings in a series of papers and thereby was the ancient theory of panspermia revived in recent decades. Not only has it been revived it has thrived and recently been embraced by one of the top neo-Darwinists in the world, Richard Dawkins. Moreover a growing number of highly prominent mathematicians and astrophysicists have also adopted it.

As panspermia was being put forth, world renowned microbiologist, Sir Francis Crick, published a small book in 1982 titled "Life Itself". In it he and coauthor, Leslie Orgel, proposed the theory that not only had life arrived from the cosmos it had been sent here on a space probe packed with microbes. In their view an advanced civilization had intentionally seeded life on earth.

This startled the scientific community because Crick could not be dismissed easily since he had co-founded the shape of the DNA molecule in 1950. That feat earned him the Nobel Prize. His theory became known as directed panspermia.
None of the above mentioned scientists examined the historical, cultural or archaeological records as a means of corroborating their theories. Of course that has been left to independent investigators, like van Daniken and to a lesser extent this author, who have compiled a vast treasury of supporting evidence over the past 50 years.

The Genesis Race theory is an attempt to synthesize the historical-cultural and scientific evidence into a single, unified whole. Simply put the theory states: 1) an advanced civilization seeded earth with microbial life forms which evolved. 2) this same race intervened in the planet’s evolution to genetically engineer the human race as a separate primate branch 3) at the appropriate time they further intervened to radically alter the course of human development by teaching specific cultures the arts of civilization.

This theory is consistent with both the historical-cultural-archaeological and scientific evidence. It makes sense out of what are otherwise inexplicable anomalies ( the Great Pyramid), as well as accounting for how life appeared on earth abruptly and with a fully formed DNA code.

In the first book the author made the point that we have been rapidly recapitulating the pattern of a cosmic race by engaging in space exploration; unraveling the genome; genetically altering plants and animals; and considering terraforming other currently lifeless planets.

That is exactly what one would expect to find given that human DNA is part of the cosmic DNA gene pool. The Genesis Race is not an alien race, as we typically envision them, they are human. Decoded from the perspective of modern day society and technology the first three chapters of the bible can be easily deciphered.

The singular Creator creates the universe; then at a far later point in time (Gen.V:26) a plurality of ’gods’ arrive on earth to "create humans in Our image and likeness". (Can that be any clearer?) Of course people lacked the intellectual and experiential tools to even vaguely understand what this simple, coded message really meant until recently. In the light of bioengineering we can no longer claim such ignorance.

The Genesis Race theory predicts that an artifact like the Great Pyramid would be found and not be at all understood for what it truly represented, an alien technology. Though historians cling to the theory that the pyramid was a tomb; no pharaoh has ever been found in any of the 90 true pyramids that dot the Egyptian landscape.

In addition, when discovered the interior of the Great Pyramid lacked all of the typical items associated with traditional Egyptian tombs. No artwork adorned the interior or exterior walls of any passageways or rooms. There were no attestations as to who built it. Neither was it referred to in papyrus documents. When initially investigated the two rooms ("King’s and Queen’s Chambers"), were entirely empty. Neither contained a mummy nor any treasures.

Today the edifice lacks the outer casing that once covered the exterior making a virtually seamless outer cladding. The capstone implied by the pyramidal shape is also missing, leaving a truncated appearance at the top.

The real underlying enigma that the Great Pyramid presents is the high level or precision engineering embodied in it. As noted, the massive 13-acre base was flat to within a fraction over its entire surface. It had to be to make each tier accurately level so that the edges of the pyramid were straight and so that each succeeding tier was, in turn, level. Failing to achieve that would result in a misshapen structure that could not come together at the top to receive and apex.
A Japanese team in the late 1970’s discovered this fact the hard way while trying to build a scale-model of the Great Pyramid using primitive tools and methods. Not only did they not succeed in getting the tools to perform the necessary tasks from the quarry, lifting and transport of the limestone blocks, they had to resort to a helicopter to try to place the stones in the correct positions to form a pyramid. They failed.

The fact is that Egyptologists have attempted to show how the ancient Egyptians, using primitive tools and methods, could have built the Great Pyramid. These attempts have failed spectacularly. Put simply, you cannot build the Great Pyramid using hammerstones and simple wooden devices to lift and drag the millions of blocks.

Why we keep pretending that this was done is the real question now? The only modern edifices that resemble the engineering challenges, building complexity, size and mass of the Great Pyramid are dams. The Hoover Dam was built in 1931. It too weighs 6 million tons. But to construct it every possible modern device, technology, piece of machinery -- including dynamite -- had to be deployed.
We have to consider the possibility that the only reason that Egyptologist’s claim -- the 90 or so true pyramids were built by the ancient Egyptians -- is because they have no other explanation. No one has been willing to think outside the box and consider a radical alternative so the anomalous factual data is ignored, bent and twisted to fit an unacceptable theory.

Nonetheless, these kinds of anomalies are exactly what we would expect to be confronted by if the edifice was, in fact, built by an advanced civilization. The use of millions of cut blocks of limestone and then about 50 immense blocks of granite, used to frame in the King’s Chamber make no sense in the tomb scenario; they make perfect sense as features of an unknown, alien technology.

The even more obvious feature of the Great Pyramid is its immense size and the architectural and engineering sophistication required to build it. For example, four small (8"x8") ducts -- two each from the two main rooms -- extend upwards through many tiers of masonry for no apparent reason. Once thought to be "air ducts" the fact that several closed doors block them in mid-passage dashed that theory.
The author has presented some of the main anomalies posed by the Great Pyramid since, in his estimation, it is the singular embodiment of the evidence that Fermi stated was missing. Since the edifice has been repeatedly measured and examined for two centuries a mass of data is readily available for use in any serious study.

Fermi’s paradox is deficient at best. The Drake Equation is insightful though not useful as a proof against the possible existence of a Genesis Race Type 3 civilization. In fact, only one planet in one solar system needs to have produced one super-advanced civilization to meet the requirements of interstellar travel, planet seeding, colonization and contact.

Contrary to the opinion of the above scientists, and their present-day colleagues, evidence of colonization and contact does exist on earth. However, it has been overlooked, misinterpreted, and dismissed to date. Any refutation of this evidence -- without first undertaking a rigorous examination of the record -- is entirely irrational and unscientific. That may have been understandable several generations ago, however, not today in the 21st century.

The scientifically-based investigation, being herein proposed by the author, is not put forth as a mere academic pursuit with no practical value. Given the multiple crises existent in our world today we may need to piece together an accurate picture of our past to survive into the future.

By Will Hart,
Email: cwillwrite2u at yahoo dot com

Articles by Will Hart

The Genesis Race: Our Extraterrestrial DNA and the True Origins of the Species, By Will Hart

Tune into Red Ice Radio:

Will Hart - Accelerated Natural Disasters, Aftermath & Evolution


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