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The Gore Report - Life on Mars Discussed by Rush Limbaugh in 2004 - The Mars Bloodline
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The Gore Report - Life on Mars Discussed by Rush Limbaugh in 2004 - The Mars Bloodline


Every now and then there is a "glitch in the Matrix" - and someone in a position of influence lets the curtain drop, and reveals insider secrets.

Read the world-exclusive premiere of one of the more amazing examples of this, three years after it first happened... suggesting that the Powers That Be not only believe Mars was once inhabited, but think they are the descendants of this ancient race.

Rush Spills the Beans... and the story is immediately "sanitized"

Three years ago, one of our clients alerted us to a stunning Rush Limbaugh broadcast that aired on March 4, 2004. Had this been covered by the mainstream media and discussed with any seriousness, it could well have pierced the veil of UFO secrecy and led to some form of open disclosure.

Some cynics will simply say that Rush was "joking," that the whole thing was an elaborate tongue-in-cheek attack against former VP Gore - a Democrat, and their whole platform of man-made Global Warming - tying it in with fringe elements like "Area 52", UFOs and Martians. "Return to your homes, folks, nothing to see here."

However, the problem may be that in order to do good "disinformation," you actually have to introduce some lies in to what you are saying! Rush might not have done that. His data correlates with a variety of other pieces we have put together, and this seems more than just an accident. This could explain why the insiders were not willing to "run with the ball" and acknowledge his "joke". It was too dangerous - and might get the public asking the 'wrong' questions.

We first found out about it on March 15th, and by that point, any transcript of the show had already been "sanitized" from the Internet. Our client said this started within days of the broadcast. There were a few places left where you could read it, but only in the Google cache - and once those had cleared, it was gone for good. Three years later, the most detailed searches turn up absolutely no record of it ever having happened.

Keep that in mind before rushing to judgment (pun intended!) about it being "nothing more than a joke", to ease the psychological pressure that might otherwise result. Survey the evidence supporting the TRUTH of what he said after we show you the transcript. And ask yourself why OTHER broadcasts were NOT removed from his website so quickly... only this one?

Overall, this may well be an Illuminati insider revealing some of their deepest secrets - including the total obsession with the bloodlines of the elite, a subject invariably brought up by every single whistleblower you find - and his bosses were NOT laughing. No indication was given on the webpage, or in the broadcast, of it ever being a joke, as you'll see for yourself - and it was not April Fool's Day.

When we first heard this astonishing broadcast, and read the transcript, we were really in a bind as to whether we should disclose it or not. For whatever reason, we decided not to. Such has been the case with much of the material you are now reading in "The Revealing".

We've finally decided that now is the time to come forward with this fascinating story. Our contact heard the show when it was first broadcast - apparently he liked to keep an eye on the "loyal opposition" - and he saved a copy of the HTM file from Rush's website on his hard drive. We received this file in an email on March 15, 2004, along with a digital copy of the audio that weighed in at about 1MB.

Though the HTM file did not include any of the original site graphics, it did still have a complete transcript of what Rush said. Even better, there was a link in the original HTM file to a streaming Windows Media Player version of the audio - and even though the HTM file would soon disappear from the Internet completely, the audio link still worked.

Now here is the really incredible part...

On a whim, we decided to try the audio link in the original HTM file of the transcript from Rush's website. And even now, three years later, this audio STILL EXISTS on Rush's server... and it WORKS!!!

At the time of this writing, you can still listen to this broadcast yourself... straight from the source! Only when you hear the audio yourself can you make out how distressed Rush might be about what he is saying.

Even though the mind of any skeptic automatically leads them to believe Rush was "just being funny," (as otherwise this event makes no sense to a skeptic whatsoever, and they must maintain their "grip" on "reality" at all costs,) there are at least two places where it sounds as if he is in tears as he is telling the story. You can hear distinct stress patterns in his voice as he is "telling the joke".

It could be that he was severely warned against talking, but couldn't handle the pressure of having to keep such explosive inside information a secret. He probably figures that everyone in "the herd" is SO clueless that he could drop this amazing disclosure and nothing would happen. Not everyone liked his sense of humor, apparently, as it was quickly struck off the official record... like so many other aspects of secrecy we are all now seeing on a daily basis.

We can well assume that he was "visited" after this broadcast, and given healthy threats about what would happen to him, and his family, if he ever mentioned it again. Living with such a secret, and such a threat, may even explain an increase in his drug and alcohol consumption. His staff obviously were not 'in the know' enough to see that he'd made a mistake, and cranked out the transcript before it had time to be buried down the 'memory hole'.

Why Should I care about Anything Rush Limbaugh Says?

Why is this story so important? Quite simple. Rush Limbaugh came forward, on March 4, 2004, and told his listeners that he gained access to a "highly classified" top-secret document from NASA saying that Mars was once inhabited with human life, that they destroyed their planet, some of them survived and migrated to Earth.

Even more incredibly, he implies that NASA has sent secret missions to Mars and recovered DNA samples from deceased human corpses - and the DNA from these corpses "compares favorably to members of the Skull and Bones society here on Earth" - as well as top members of Halliburton, Enron, WorldCom and Boeing - each of which are companies associated with the 'Illuminati'.

Yes. If you're thinking that all the dots connect up to an "Illuminati Bloodline," then you're on the right track, my friend. As we've seen in Parts One and Two, these people are OBSESSED with bloodlines. So look beyond the spin and see what most people would gloss over in ignorant laughter.

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